Physics and Free Software
Should have been Carl Sagan
Nothing? They are both barbed balls of hate
Israel is guilty of genocide and will be held accountable. I understand this is the Israeli flag, but this meme is treading a line dangerously close to antisemitism. There are those who will not see a flag. They will see a symbol, The Star of David, many peaceful people display.
The Star of David globally represents millions of Jews who are among those most against the Israeli occupation. Not only do they have the same abhorance of the unspeakable violence committed against Palestinians, Israel has hijacked their religion, cultural heritage, and the symbol representing their their passivist philosophy.
Memes like this have the potential to create hardship for Jews in the same way Muslims were persecuted in the aftermath of 911. I have personally seen the defacement of mosques. The same has already happened to synagogues. A jokes may seem innoculous, but they can beget additional violence. Take caution when making ones such as this.
(Before someone fronts Reductio ad Hitlerum, the swastika and Star of David are not even remotely the same thing)
Hats off to the best comment I’ve seen in a while. And there are a lot of good ones
But nature says fuck! So we fuck!
I am Chinese eating oreos
A good reason to walk around with a label maker
Excel can be it’s own kind of awful, but using it with other people makes me want to jump off a bridge onto a rusty bed of nails. They move cells around, change the labels on columns, color cells with no benefit, change half a sheet to comic sans, they fucking send you back “bullshit-v1.0-good.xlsx” then ”garbage name v0.3_gooder.csv”. Jesus fuck. The shitty thing has built in version control you ignorant fuck!
You know you are fucked with kindest regards
If only they still taught how to read a sundial, but those damn new fangled analog clocks…
We also need to teach them how to write in cursive so they can read the declaration of independence.
Think he our savior? Make him a crown of thorns