And plummeted 16ft through an announcer’s table
And plummeted 16ft through an announcer’s table
Well deserved. F-droid is a cornerstone of (mobile) FOSS
The greatest trick the devil ever pulled was convincing the world online platforms he didn’t exist they didn’t need nsfw content
Farmcraft101 has entered the chat
Oh wait just checked. She doesn’t. Close enough though
But it ends with Kylie Minogue doing a freeze frame jump
Still waiting for the first single from Fleetwood Mac Sex Pants to drop
In case anyone is interested, the approach is to stop intensive farming and reintroduce plant biodiversity.
I… I fuggen love cresps
Unrealistic; master locks require no more than a rake to open
I want to make sure if I can leave the cabin. I check if the door will open. If not, I check for other potential ways to leave the cabin.
I wonder if the poorly drawn key is a clue. I go looking for a real key, or alternatively, additional drawings similar to the poorly drawn key
I always thought this line was meant sarcastically. Reflecting the kind of rhetoric that George W Bush pushed at the time; ‘either you’re with us or you’re against us’