You don’t want blue light anyway because it messes with your night vision.
You don’t want blue light anyway because it messes with your night vision.
Yet both liberals and conservatives (in your sense of the words) say this.
1000% this. Aftermarket, fucked colors, and/or no alignment is the cause of the problems. I would add that a lot of aftermarket lights are also way too bright. Sure, the owner can see (a tiny bit) better but everyone else gets blinded. Even then, it’s not bad unless they’re not aligned properly. (Well, it’ll still blind you if it’s a truck directly behind you but that’s just trucks.)
Communal housing world solve many problems.
It’s about Marxism, but yeah.
I don’t really have “devices” that need logging into so i can’t help you, there.
So it should be: if password == correct and first_success == true then { login failure; first_success = false }
Something like that.
It should be that it rejects the password the first time it’s entered correctly but accepts it on every subsequent try. That actually would provide some protection against like dictionary attacks and raw brute force attacks.
That does not appear to be what’s happening in that image.
What does “guided output” mean in this context?
The prompt wasn’t to generate two equally statistically likely people or something. It was: show me two people. The AI did just that.
Water + drying with an object is like 90% of what makes all cleaning work. Soap just helps that again along.
Yeah i think “pfas beyond acceptable levels” is just the new baseline and nobody wants to do anything about it. It sucks.
Flint, Michigan and sadly all over the US.
Okay this is sick as fuck, though. I wouldn’t pay for it but it’s sweet.
When Party Cannon shows up you gotta spring for the colored print.
It’s more that the 401k grew 0.3% the previous. Still growing, still a lot, just not quite as much of an increase.
That’s definitely where Anakin is going, at least.
It is 100%. Max Stirner talked about that in the 1800s.