We just had a Nazi change her legal status to woman probably to fuck with the system and try to get into a women’s prison. Now she will probably be send to a male prison and referred to as a woman.
We just had a Nazi change her legal status to woman probably to fuck with the system and try to get into a women’s prison. Now she will probably be send to a male prison and referred to as a woman.
Is the flash able to turn off his mental speed as well? Or is he living in this frozen hell?
I watched “city of darkness” in the movie theatre two days ago, man that was shit. The trailer is all you need.
Every super rich person who has this mindset should rigorously advocate fair taxation of their peers that is the only chances for a non revolutionary change.
How? UMD was shit, vitas display was a huge upgrade. The analogue sticks were better… I gifted my son the Vita last year and it still holds up. Couldn’t do that with my PSP cause it’s broken.
And buying his cars I doubt that the majority of Tesla owners have been Republican voters in the past.
Imagine you couldn’t try new things how stale or diet would be today.
I’m in my mid 40s and when I was that age let’s say in the mid 90s there were hardly any digital cameras and the image doesn’t look like a scan… So it’s day here is in his mid thirties. Know your memes says the picture is from 2009, so that roughly matches.
Was hast du hier verloren? Zurück zu ich_iel aber hop hop.
Driving my rocket powered car into someone so they explode. What a save.
Sidequest and open worlds are the reason I often don’t finish games and I actually hate that. it’s hard enough for me to get immersed in the stories but the free roaming makes me lose interest pretty fast.
Sony has totally bad vertical integration. It would be so powerful for them because they produce so much stuff.
That’s why it’s so abhorrent that voices from the right but not only from the right get louder, that demand an end to the relatively good remembrance culture here in Germany. I hate the: “it was so long ago, it wasn’t us” talking points. It’s the first step towards forgetting, historic revisionism and possibly repeating the things that were done.
Probably just the beeple ones? Or are they all worthless as well?
To me these looks are cringe bc they look like the adults when I was a kid /teen (80s,90s) used to look.
Yeah please do, I will just stop using YouTube and that would be a good thing.
Well but for me that might just be okay having a substitute for my discussion and feed scrolling needs is all I need don’t need it to be the dominant platform. Just need it to be active enough that it doesn’t die down.
Spray paint plus a rope cutter?