Maybe you are still confusing this place with somewhere else. Were all linux users here, even those that are running windows are either doing so in dualboot or as potential linux users to be indoctrinated into our cult.
Maybe you are still confusing this place with somewhere else. Were all linux users here, even those that are running windows are either doing so in dualboot or as potential linux users to be indoctrinated into our cult.
It’s owned by amazon. Time to look for alternatives.
“They have to wear it somehow”
The elephant may disagree with that.
There is nothing wrong with people looking for an income to support what they do. But if you compare it.
Every single lemmy instance is a server someone is running and maintaining. I have yet to see a single one that integrates ads.
The developers that develop the lemmy code themselves aren’t asking us for money either.
As for apps why would you not use one with the same spirit as the above? Voyager is both on playstore, ios store. And available as a hyper performant web app. Works on any device basically.
The code for voyager is again fully open source, you yourself could self host an instance of the webapp, no ads, no one serving you. Just some software that you control doing what you need it to do.
Its not the only one of its kind but its the one i can personally vouch for is great.
When you want to support developers there is usually ways to donate directly.
Euhm Sir/Miss, i think your lemmy client may have caught a cancer.
The bottom post in your picture is clearly some kind of advertisement, which is not normal here.
You may want to check what contaminated it.
Isn’t this kinda what you want?
I am an uncontrollable perfectionist in this scenario. I have yet to start to write down any of the narratives that have lived in my head for years because i feel the tiniest detail or Nuance needs a research paper of its own for it to make sense.
I am more likely to die of old age then write a single chapter but someone is going to inherit a huge collection of neo-science articles.
You did more than pass you straight up won the game, well played.
You can collect your prize after logging out of this terminal, after which will close down indefinitely.
It actually failed. I was trying to see how the display name feature worked but it doesn’t show in voyager app.
Omygosh a personal meme. Thank you this legit cranked me up.
You pee colored little shit
After 9 pm is my hard earned dopamine collection time. Its the only time i do get to feel good about my life because life has finnaly stopped bothering me trough responsibilities that remind me how shit my first world wage slave life is.
You dare deny me this ill fucking explode on you from unrelieved pressure.
This all you fault yellow sonic. All of it!!
Maybe i am misunderstanding but that is the country code for the united kingdom and is one of the most popular in the world
This does include but the reason those exist is because you could not claim a pure .uk cTDL before 2014 because and this is an important piece of information for anyone looking to get a domain name. Countries can set the rules for their domain themselves; There have been instances ( of governments revoking a registered domain, in this case because they discussed piracy.
Missed revenue opportunity by not streaming this.
This sends me on a rabbithole to discover new top level domains (.org .com .world) are added in rounds. The last one was in 2012. The next is NEXT YEAR.
Would be amazing if we could get .lemmy but it would be hella expensive. $185k for application and 25k annually to keep it. Not sure if we can crowdsource such. and .community are still available though.
Actually you are correct. I thought i had found a number for his liquid money but it wasn’t.
Also got a bit hung up on his stake in Tesla being just 13% but with Tesla being valued at ~900B thats still over ~100B of his ~320B “value”
You have my full support and i fully agree on your last point but in nuance Tesla could go bankrupt and Musks wealth will hardly make a dent. With a budget of spending a mil a day it would still take centuries to blow trough all his money.
You can run an artificial life simulator. There basically a digital aquarium.
This one (Project Alien) is beautiful and is made using nvidias cuda technology. You cant run it on amd. (Though i am certain amd has alternatives)
Depending on settings downvotes are counted separately.
The only way to fix this if upvoters now unvote.
Beans for everyone!
Considering the nature of the internet i assume the major off people who jailbreak llms do so to generate porn.
I actually suspect the main reason they disallow porn is because they feed everyone’s conversations right into the training data and it would be wat to biased to talk dirty as a result.
Most wouldn’t even mind but you just know the media is gonna try scare some elders if only a single minor gets an accidental suggestive reply.
I perceived a couple going “no do you want to to dinner with me” in a loop.
What am i supposed to perceive? that the less attractive character has bad intentions?
The background texture does the heavy lifting.