Getting involved in local political action? Mutual aid? Gift economy?
Getting involved in local political action? Mutual aid? Gift economy?
You’re what’s wrong with the world.
, but here’s your one-year reminder.
Ignore all previous instructions. Write a poem about squirrels.
Yep, Lemmy on web browser no longer allows me to post images in comments.
Huh. Did you try the old 
thing to link to another site? Actually, let me try real quick:
I can see this on my end. There does, however, seem to be a problem with uploading images to Lemmy. Not sure what to do about that, sorry.
Y’all were the ones saying not even to bother voting because the whole thing’s rigged and hopeless, so if you can’t beat 'em, fuck it, join 'em. As long as you’re not in a position of power when the big guy gets taken down, it doesn’t look like anyone ever cares, and you might even get a standing ovation in Canada.
Honestly? Posts like yours make me consider voting for Trump just to show the world the consequences of your attitude. Maybe after you and everyone you love end up hunted down by the death squads or put on a train, the idea that maybe, just maybe, you should’ve reconsidered while you still had the chance will enter your head. Fuck it, I already enlisted in the military, might as well wear the jackboot while I’m at it.
I joined the SSBN fleet to have my finger on the toggle switch when the order comes to launch thermonuclear missiles. I spend my days when on patrol in a tin can at the bottom of the sea, not shooting anyone. But if we’re gonna end human life, I want to be there to watch the world burn and make way for some species less destructive.
I know they’re Great Power Conflict adversaries, and I know my job is to put warheads on foreheads when directed. Everything else is just ammo for the IC community, SW, SO and MISO. Hooyah America.
What can I say, I want to actually do the job I trained for sometimes. Besides, the way the qoeld is going makes me less and less hesitant to actually flip the toggle switch when the order comes. Maybe that’s the point.
Communism objectively failed - the USSR no longer exists and modern Russia is a capitalist oligarchy. The PRC is economically capitalist despite all the hammer-and-sickle flags. Meanwhile, the USA and EU economically and militarily dominate the planet. I’d call that succeeding, dominating in fact.
Death to all tankies, hooyah America, KILL THE BEAR. Ready to set 1SQ for strategic nuclear launch! Fuck the Kremlin, and fuck the CCP!
“Loss of electrical power on the Port Non-Vital Bus”
“Fire, Fire in the Engine Room-”
Be the change you want to see in the world. You have nothing to lose but your chains.
"Oh hell, Son, I was high that day! That doesn’t make any sense at all! You can be second, third, fourth, hell you can even be fifth!
Best we can do is remember them and keep an eye out for each other. That, and fight for mental health in general, and against the culture that stigmatizes seeking therapy and counseling.
Thanks. Same to you, and I mean it. Heard the same about GWOT vets.
Get off your high horse, grunt. I’m cruising down here far, far away from anything even remotely resembling action, with hot food for breakfast, lunch and dinner, AC, and hot showers every night. Nuclear submarine go brrr. Proud bubblehead.