Do you remember if you could get to a rommon prompt? As long as console access is available you should’ve been able to upload replacement FW. I once had to use kermit or xmodem (I don’t recall) @2400 bps to recover an AP by transferring new FW over the console cable (I’m not sure new APs even have a console port), but switches should be recoverable…the things you do, when you want to go home and not spend another day on site 🤣
My only caution would be to ensure that you use the correct FW. IIRC -L means Lan Base not IP Services, but it should warn you that there isn’t enough space, if that’s the case
It’s an old joke, when a switch (or any electronics really) has 365+ day uptime rebooting could kill the power supply during its POST power supply test.
Realistically you shouldn’t have to worry about it, those are solid switches. I have a 3524 from 2001 that’s still running, it gets bounced about once a year when I bump the power cable while recabling. I also have a 2960G that’s on a UPS, and without logging in I couldn’t tell you the uptime
2007, excellent year! Also, I swear Cisco those older switches are will run forever (as long as you don’t reboot it too often 😂)
According to Gorman, it is “not possible to implement technical controls preventing the use of personal email accounts for government business.”<
Why the heck would anyone be sending sensitive information from a personal account? I guess vendors sending docs to .mil addresses? I think we need more details. Humans are going to human, no technological answer can stop a human typo-ing a tld. Reminds me of this cartoon
I was heavily misquoting a scene from Ted 2 from memory 🙃
So, is that gravel…just free? Like, can anyone just take it?