Beer mug warmers
Beer mug warmers
You mean like the one linked here? Or something with a specific URL like “killedbymozilla.com”?
Honest quetion, what’s a stan account?
This quote is hilarious.
CSC probably has a record of someone opening up the machine. “My personal stance on that is suck my diiiiiiiick, but feel free to perform your own risk assessment,” Orlitzky writes.
First you remove the old seasoning using one of a few methods. That leaves you with bare iron. Then you re-season.
My preferred way to strip a pan of its old seasoning is to heat the pan up to 200F in the oven, then take it outside and spray it with oven cleaner. Then I put it in a trash bag and bring it inside (or leave it outside if it’s summer) and let the oven cleaner do its thing. Rinse and repeat until there is no more seasoning. Wear protective equipment, of course.
Other methods include an electrolysis bath, or using the self-clean cycle on your oven (It’s possible to damage the pan this way, but chances are it’ll be fine).
To re-season, I like to use Crisco.
I do that cycle once a day until the pan looks good. It takes anywhere from 4 to 80 coats. Just kidding about 80, but someone on reddit did that.
The pan will NOT be shiny after seasoning. Seasoning is a permanent layer of polymerized oil. You still need to cook with your favorite cooking oil, which will make the pan shiny.
Washing the pan with soap will leave it looking dull again, because you’ve washed away the cooking oil. The seasoning will still be intact unless you’ve destroyed it some other way (tomatoes are acidic and can wear down the seasoning, putting it in the dishwasher will destroy the seasoning, etc.)
Oh really? Yeah it worked for me.
I recently had to disable ad blocking within Enhancer for YouTube, but uBlock Origin took over and it works great so far.
Excellent post.
The consumers™© rejoice.
This is an old article.
This prompted me to try using it again. The pointer is moving around slow, then fast, then way too fast. It’s difficult to get it to land on what I want. Is that the point?