“Liberal” arbitrarily changes meaning depending on who they want to dunk on today.
They are trolls. Ignore them.
“Liberal” arbitrarily changes meaning depending on who they want to dunk on today.
They are trolls. Ignore them.
Deer strikes? Here, we can’t even get workers to strike!
Gender fluid is trans-mission fluid.
why it’s so important that there be strong independent checks on the government and politicians, minority representation, multi-party rule, etc…
That kind of liberal propaganda is not appreciated here ;)
“Liberal” is a word with many meanings. Not defining is bad enough. Hopping between definitions between sentences and hoping your readers don’t notice is just lame.
In most first world countries this is illegal.
You mean like, with a cable? Eewwwww gross!
Yeah, my brain went on a bit of a detour between reading the story and posting.
An embarrassing brain fart.
Or: so-called moderates make common cause with fascists. Again.
That really depends on what cut of the film we’re talking about.
Do you want me to try and check the “replicant” box or the “lesbian” box, Mr Deckard?
Too bad she won’t live.
But then again, who does?
The fish is not the only one here that’s “dumb”.
It means whatever you want it to mean.