Errar es humano. Propagar errores automáticamente es #devops

  • 1 Post
Joined 2 years ago
Cake day: June 18th, 2023


  • Political “debates” are useless, but I always like to watch different conceptions from different countries.

    When I see USA politics right-wingers have some speeches and actions that left-wingers have in my home country and vise-versa.

    Like, leftwingers in my country usually attack a former rightwing president because he supposedly fomented immigration, specially illegal immigration. (Although, here rigwingers also have more hate against the inmigrant, just like US) 1 (sorry for the language, didn’t find an english version of it)

    Or a former leftwing president that mobilized our army to Haiti to protect their democracy 2

    Same with labels: In US “liberal” is a left wing label, in my country is a righ wing one.

    Same apply in other countries, like I see Spanish news when “republicans” are the radical ones, usually left-wing, because they oppose monarchy, and the “republican” flag is a left-wing symbol for spaniards.

    That’s why political labels are pretty useless too. Republican means literal nazi or revolutionary against monarchy depending where you are lol.

  • The things you say actively reflect on your employer and future employers.


    Imagine a interview where employer tries to know every aspect of your personality and ideas, before hiring you.

    Seems quite impossible.

    For a celebrity like Stallman seems easy. But imagine checking the background of a random candidate just to see if she posted something bad years ago. And rejecting her application because of a post defendig the wrong ideas.

    I agree we already have courts and police. If he did something illegal, there’s a course of action there.