Well, were you acting like a crybaby?
Well, were you acting like a crybaby?
It’s a great time as space age aka 2.0 just released. If you’re the type to get absorbed into min/maxing stuff, remember to say goodbye and I love you to your family before launching factorio.
But can he lie about it? Can his brothers deny?
Edit: since when did an expensive car equal easy to operate? Historically, the more expensive the car gets the more caveats to the operation there are.
My favorite example of this is the BMW i8. Here is a video which shows how to open the hood. Even the dealership recommends to the sales team taking the car into the shop and having trained technicians…open the hood. I guess its “Fuck You” if you ever break down on the side of the road. https://youtu.be/fxe_b2GRwok?si=MGy3lwov8bd36-4m
Not to mention the amount of analog clocks that are just wrong. I work at a fortune 500 company, most clocks are digital and synced to a time server. Every analog clock is wrong. Just yesterday I walked through the cafeteria and glanced at the clock and it read 5:20… For a second I panicked and was like it can’t be that late. I checked my phone, it was 3:06. The clock was just not set properly.
Why is there only one badger and not three? Why is there no snake ?
Put another way “having money isn’t everything, not having it is”
Several years ago mountain dew had the following prices
20 oz - $2
1 liter - $2
2 liter - $2
1.5 liter - $1
It wasn’t a sale, they had these prices on several stores for over a year.
im surprised no one has said it yet but XKCD
If you are hungry and hate yourself…
Buy bugels
Buy cheese whiz
Spray cheese whiz in bugel
This has already happened…
My favorite story about this is I had a friend who was smart but quick to jump to conclusions and not technical.
He had a roommate who sometimes used his computer. He comes home one day to a message on the screen, full screen saying “This computer is locked by the NSA. We have detected illegal activity including child pornogry(yes spelt that way). You may send $300 in Walgreens gift card codes to (some yahoo email address I forget) or you will be arrested. This computer can not be unlocked.”
He panics thinking his roommate did something, shut down the computer, removed the hard drive and memory.
Two years later I hear about this and tell him it’s fake and let me take a look at it. Turns out the computer was not" locked". I got into the system by booting into safe mode. There was a program added to the start up folder of the start menu(this was in windows xp). That program literally just launched a window with that message, set to full screen with no close button. Out of curiosity I rebooted the system message popped up and I just hit alt-f4 and had full control of the system. These scans are designed for people to panic and not think critically.
I treat my body like a temple. (a pagan temple during the crusades of Richard the lionheart) .
Like I said I asked the question in good faith and did not mean anything negative. It was out of pure ignorance and the desire to correct that ignorance.
I think the prime example of your point of “being on this land doesn’t make you Jewish” is the hagie sophiea. It’s a ancient place of worship that has been “owned” by multiple religions over the years.
Interesting, I only hear of American, European or Middle East jews.
Thank you for the knowledgeable and helpful post
Ok this is a legit question, not trying to troll or bait… Are there African or east Asian jews? Like Jewish communities in Ghana or Thailand for example?
For anyone wondering this is a VERY old xkcd comic.
If anyone doesn’t know the original song is from Broadway, show is avenue q… I think its the same vocals just the images changed to wow.
What kind of hell do you work in? You’re boss deducts your wage for crying? If I had something happen while at work and started crying my boss would probably tell me to take the rest of the day off with pay and to let him/her know of I needed anything else.
I’m in Texas in the USA… Probably one of the most anti-employee places to work and still get this… Is your boss literally Satan?