There are plenty of people who are still into future building. But, indeed, a lot of the west is falling into decadence.
But I still see enough spark to hope it will reignite. With a better experience.
There are plenty of people who are still into future building. But, indeed, a lot of the west is falling into decadence.
But I still see enough spark to hope it will reignite. With a better experience.
Also it is possible to actually like what you do for a job. Many people do.
Then, some people clearly do not. I suppose their work will be replaced with robots. And people who implement these robots are doing it enthusiastically.
Still, we would not want to disenfranchise people who see their work as nonfulfilling. This is a challenge.
Cats are already smart enough, they just find it easier to access the technology using their chips.
Please don’t insult cats, it’s cats who are smart enough to know how to use their chips! Robots and chips just react as they are programmed.
So I have a cat chipped 15 years ago, and she can still operate modern devices with it - open doors, get food from a robot.
Not all tech goes obsolete fast, there are legacy compatibility layers!
I am on the contrary quite comforted by this. Easier to make sense of things, tackle or accept things that don’t make sense.
Lots of difficulties behind, making current and future ones seem manageable.
Growing old is not that bad.