made you look
Russia is an especially bad excuse for anything we do. We ripped up the USSR to create the decaying state which had to be rescued by the current clique of resource nationalists who aren’t willing to just let the country collapse completely (those people are not politically aligned with me btw, i root for a different Russian opposition, the communists).
Our media has spun the Russians up into this ludicrous imperialist threat that interferes with our elections meanwhile the Zionists openly make addresses to Congress, Turkish politicians and charter school billionaires are using our fucking government for infighting. We literally have SLAVERY in our prisons
Russia is a peripheral country (lower on the NIKE shoe company supply chain, to make this easy to understand) a common insult in 2017 was that Texas had the same GDP (not that includes debts and rents, the backbone of the US economy, which is why in light of this their nationalized industries are a threat to us (especially military), GDP is inflated and stupid.
So why doesn’t Assange count? “Oh it’s fine, he’s just an unusual political prisoner, they wouldn’t treat ordinary people like me that way.”
Yet they haul in random TikTokers now. 3000 mfs arrested over politically incorrect likes and shares calling for an end to war.
So, why doesn’t that go for Navalny? The guy talking about going school shooter on fellow citizens? Why is his treatment assumed to be the same as the 400 other people arrested in the whole country?
Assange literally worked with The Guardian and WAPO etcetera to protect NATO intelligence agents and they betrayed him anyways.
If only I could think of a high profile example of a journalist imprisoned in cruel and unusual circumstances in the UK to contradict your “common knowledge”.
Can you think of anyone off the top of your head? One last chance.
They’re not locking people up for being communists, unlike post-2014 Ukraine (locking up is putting it mildly they are torturing people to death openly on Telegram). Here in the US people are getting harassed by the FBI for being Chinese. They should be going and shutting down the people spreading hate speech here, but they’re into it.
Video: Alexei Navalny Compares Muslims to Cockroaches, Supports Gun Rights in Russia (2007)
Russian opposition politician Alexei Navalny advocates for gun rights in Russia, while comparing immigrants and Muslims from Russia’s southern regions to cockroaches and suggests they need to be exterminated.
The U.K. arrested almost 10 times as many people for social media posts as Russia did last year. Now maybe we could say they should be arresting more fuckers like Navalny. Haha
This is a very nifty use for the many D&D and WoW necromancer images which get lodged in the brain thank you OP