Okay but As a native north carolinian and a csi enthustiast, my only true beef with this and any other cinematic representation is… NC doesn’t require front plates. Just the rear. So when people filming over in cali are all like, yo, pop this NC plate on the front bumper, I just… i just lose it. From a continuity standpoint.
The csi zoom screw passes the vibe check for me, but the NC front plate does not lol
I bet you somebody’s gotta be keeping a list going of remaining play places, if any
You just take the whole chip and grind it up!
If you have ungodly heavy cycles, I still have a coupon for 10% off a merula cup if you want it lolol (it’s one of the higher capacity ones)
-waves nonbinarily (my uterus is homicidal quite often but since I’m not even remotely attempting to utilize it for its intended use, the gyn just shrugs nbd)
As an American, I hate this for you, in solidarity.
Just out here, waiting for alecto the ninth… twiddling my thumbs, you know.
Oh, no, I walk right past all the low hanging fruit and keep on walkin’
He started graying mid '70s 🤷
Would waybackmachine help in any way with the possibility of pulling old comments?
(I’ve seen people on Reddit pull old threads this way but haven’t attempted it personally, I hope you get this all sorted out)
I don’t know about y’all, but some of us gratuitously labia’d folk would sincerely get wrekt trying to pull that off lol
And you got damn good at it eventually!
I wow people with tiny flowers and cranes, I could do it in my sleep lol
Accounts receivable says 4, but it’s probably broken up with discounts or shortage discrepancies.
Lemmy says trans rights!!