As a quite thin guy, I dressed as women for a game once and got several inappropriate comments and people coming too close.
As a quite thin guy, I dressed as women for a game once and got several inappropriate comments and people coming too close.
Ich bin entzückt, dass ihnen unsere MaiMais zusagen.
I have the feeling speaking of percentage paints an incorrect picture. 5% yearly growth doesn’t sound much, but this might require a very high rate of children per person.
Let’s say we have 80 men and women, i.e. population of 160 evenly distributed between 1 and 80 years. Everyone dies at 80, every woman gets 3 children at 28. This means next year we loose 2, gain 3, i.e. have a growth rate of 1/160~0.6%. In 28 years, we have 1.5 women giving birth to 4.5 pops, i.e. 2.5/188~1.3%. Were it 4 children per woman, it would be 1.2% in the first years, 6/216~2.1%
Finland is missing
I had a router from 1&1 where they locked down the firmware to exclude many settings. Might be a similar case with Vodafone.
Certainly, their situation is hard and bureaucracy + racism is slowing things down. I saw that with some guy that came from Syria with a medicine degree.
But still, a public administration degree or police training from Turkey probably won’t help you much here, as we have different processes and standards.
they are much more reliably on time.
Cries in german.
I guess this is much less about captcha V2, i.e. the ones everyone sees but more about V3 that works in the background or other such scripts using fingerprinting, collecting lots of data about the user to determine their validity.
The idea might be websites using traditional methods such as captchas or heutistics if attestation is denied.
SSDs got so cheap, I just added another one for Linux.
Additionally, they didn’t undergo inspection anymore, are old and have no fuel, not even the companies running those wanted to continue. It would’ve been costly to keep them running, it might’ve not worked at all and not helped the high energy prices. But still, FDP and CDU managed to put the blame for their wrong decisions onto the greens.
I’m far from an expert on communism. But the government, and especially a single person, retaining power over the state and economy is far from communism, it’s more authoritarian. Communism in it’s very base is the citizens owning the means of production, not the state owning those. This in no way is represented in China, where the state has a lot of power over the economy and owns parts of some companies, but there are still capitalists owning factories and workers working there.
Great idea, Mozilla does good things for the internet. Though, please keep in mind that donations to Mozilla never reach Firefox. That is, as donations go to the foundation, a non-profit, while Firefox is developed by a for-profit subsidiary.
Mozilla is trying to reduce its dependency on the Google search deal. The dependence is big, but Mozilla has some reserves and receives the money for channeling searches to Google. They could and already make such deals with other search providers.
When I was there I found those busses really cool. But to my knowledge, they’re being phased out. They essentially combine the worst of bus and tram:
Actually, what is the reason that Firefox seems to be preferred over Chromium? Is it the license? The control Alphabet has over it?
One has to agree that there is a lot more money poured into chromium, the code is more modern and easier embeddable, it is more feature-complete.
Though, it’s good to have two independent browser engines and a non-profit (+for-profit subsidiary) dedicated to a free, open, user-focussed browser.