I think that only updates semver-compatible versions in the lock file.
I was looking for something that updates the cargo.toml to not necessarily compatible versions.
Since cargo-edit broke, I’ve had to do this by hand.
Respect the burrito.
I think that only updates semver-compatible versions in the lock file.
I was looking for something that updates the cargo.toml to not necessarily compatible versions.
Since cargo-edit broke, I’ve had to do this by hand.
How do you upgrade your deps?
I used to use ‘cargo upgrade’ from cargo-edit, but it stooped working at some point.
Can you make peace with shai hulud?
(Shai hulud is a plastic snake)
This hits the nail on the head.
Some crates, especially things like data structures, are just “finished” at some point.
Then again, if those kinds of crates have deps, the deps should be updated semi regularly.
Its good to use cargo-audit to find indirect security/safety issues.
The game as in that awful book?
What’s the stroganoff obsession recently?
Spanish hot chocolate is where it’s at. The spoon will stand up in it.
“Simple as” is british slang
So I turns around, and I sez…
I think it was intentional
The people who killed the headphone jack…
Is this a meme though?
It was fixed.
The sparse index broke it for a few months.