Hmm… Wonder if the haters would avoid stalls with such stickers for fear of catching the gay…
Make it a denial of service attack!
Geek. Bourgondiër. Belgistani. Add label here.
Hmm… Wonder if the haters would avoid stalls with such stickers for fear of catching the gay…
Make it a denial of service attack!
Don’t you mean a cockie 😋
As if any spyware worth it’s salt didn’t install itself as service with an innocuous name. Something like “Facebook” or “TikTok”.
There most certainly are, yet for some reason there is only one flag on this sign 😁
I’m certainly not generalizing, but you can’t deny that the US has its own weaponized brand of stupid.
I don’t think they’re wrong, either. Some Americans do seem to think that foreigner means “not from the US”.
That is clearly an unsafe design. You’d need at least three layers of cardboard to withstand the heat.
They should have just plain been disbarred. They were, de facto, lying in court.
Yep. The EU lawsuit forced them to. Also internet exploder is no longer a thing these days 🙂
It undeniably does, but what would be interesting is a comparison of how much water is needed per liter of milk and various substitutes.
Alcohol has been relatively common since forever, just not the hard stuff. People used to make cider at home all the time. It was demonized by the religious temperance movement, who basically preached abstinence from everything fun.
Same with weed - a common plant that has been used spiritually, ceremonially and recreationally for literally thousands of years; that one was demonized as a political tool to fight the hippie movement without overtly making it illegal.
Also, first post ever. Figures I’d lose my Lemmy virginity with alcohol and drugs!
I mean, that’s all true, and yet they’re still light-years ahead of the US…
Also, in guessing this was made by an American, because nobody outside of there would call left parties liberal. Liberal parties are to the right, it’s just that the US doesn’t actually have an actual left.