Can you use async in your project?
If Yes, you can spawn a task that will listen on a channel. If you need to run them in parallel probably you can find a mpmc channel.
If you need for them to run at a specific time, spawn task ,tokio::time::sleep , run job, loop.
Don’t know any crate just for this.
They had a lot of excellent scientists.
Fun fact, the math behind radar stealth was developed by a Russian scientists and was ignored in URSS because it had a shit title. US delayed translating it because they didn’t undersrand the title. After a few years somebody at lockeed marting found it and realized what it meant. I think F-117 was developed based on that.
My grandfather had to buy dollars from a arab student(which was illegal), ga to the capital, find a foreigner who will agree to go into the special shop(which was only for party members and foreiners to enter) to by a JVC cassette player.
Yes, progress!
Already exist, it’s called hdr and almost all modern camera supports them. But they take more time.