The same reason there are 98 characters in your message.
edit… Incase you were serious… how else would you represent less than 1%?
The same reason there are 98 characters in your message.
edit… Incase you were serious… how else would you represent less than 1%?
Shut up and take my money.
This is exactly what I was going to say.
Lenovo ThinkPad… Not ideapad
Excluding ideapad is important, they are no better than other junk.
raiding it’s territory and kills and kidnaps a number of it’s citizen.
As Israel has done to Palistinians already for years?
But that just gets swept under the carpet when Israel does it.
Israels actions standing over the Palestine should have had them classed as terrorists long ago.
Hamas is no better though, leaving 2 terrorist organisations fighting while innocents suffer.
And medical. Suppliers if CT, MRI and X-Ray gear are notorious for wanting to sell new gear and not providing software updates to work on new operating systems.