Just shy of 600GB (46163 files). After a week im surprised how well it works with ios apps, definitely going to keep using it in the future.
Just shy of 600GB (46163 files). After a week im surprised how well it works with ios apps, definitely going to keep using it in the future.
Installed and I am very impressed, its super light weight, picks up new folders very quickly. Scrobbling to majola also worked, I am stoked to be able to scrobble from all my devices now!
Album art is spotty, but I can probably live with that. I will probably end up modifying it to fetch from fanart.tv
Woah, wefwef is awesome! Using it now!
How does it compare to invidious? Worth switching?
The discussion is more interesting than the video
This is true, It is much safer to rely on providers at the protocol layer vs the application layer.
I had no problems with mlem
Is the blocker here that each instance is a single postgres/Lemmy process? I imagine a clustered inplementstion of the Lemmy backend could be used to shard individual communities to dedicated containers when they reach a given size, proxies through a community away load balancer? More to manage but would let instances scale up/down as needed. There are costs associated with this, but those of us who run instances do it because we like playing this game.
This is quite the conundrum that the fediverse requires corporations like fastly/cachefly/cloudflare to stay afloat/responsive at scale.
I will do you one better, I have my instance behind 3.
WAN -> haproxy -> traefik ingress -> Lemmy nginx
I can probably remove the lemmy nginx but it only uses ~10mb of ram and didn’t want my changes getting in the way when sorting federation issues(which work fine!).
There is a great chapter in the book “architecture of open source applications” dedicated to audacity! https://aosabook.org/en/v1/audacity.html
And at the very least, there’s a record of the discussions and thought processes behind why this was or wasn’t chosen.
What if each instance had a message broker distribute updates in a pub/sub topics oriented fashion? Does the activitypub spec specify that instance X must http post updates to instance Y or is there room for implementations to get creative?
I assume the sus score would remain low, it seems to be looking for high number of accounts with extremely low posts and no/open registration
OK next we need some sort of lemmy comment awards, that is savage
Quality of posts on Reddit has nosedived over the last week.
Ive been doing daily PowerDeleteSuite cleanses of my reddit profile, stuff just keeps re-appearing
Apollo set the bar for the next app to meet/exceed.
I use
to serve up my music collection via subsonic API, then have play:sub and/or substreamer ios apps that use/pull from it. gonic can scrobble for you when clients play songs. Combined that withmajola
for self-hosted scrobbling for the last 18 months Ive been quite happy with it.