- The Interviewee
- The Mormon
This comment by ragebutt goes into more cases that can occur beyond the normal case which can result in XX =/=> female baby and and XY =/=> male baby.
This is how it is
This is in fact not how it is–hence the down votes.
Sex determination is a complicated mechanism that isn’t solely reliant upon chromosomes.
The “XX is female and XY is male” take is a reductionist rudimentary explanation for the nominal case used to teach children about the basics. In reality there are more combinations than just those two for human chromosomes, and there are situations that cause different manifestations and development periods regardless of one’s chromosomes.
Sure, most of the time that’s how it is, but it isn’t universal. Which is why using some pseudoscientific “chromosomal truther” interpretation to define either sex or gender is a bad, alienating ideology.
Initial development trends toward “female” characteristics. If an embryo has XY chromosomes then normally a gene on the Y chromosome will start to express which pivots development toward “male” characteristics.
If there’s a mutation on the responsible part of the Y chromosome then that expression may not happen stunting the development of “male” characteristics.
Certain disorders can prevent the development of sex organs entirely which can lead to the testes failing to develop and subsequent hormone releases to not happen stunting the development of “male” characteristics.
Other disorders can result in the initial sex organ development, but prevent adequate hormone production which stunts the development of “male” characteristics.
Since “male” characteristics occur later in the development cycle (and not always when they’re otherwise “supposed” to) at the point of conception all zygotes are of “the sex that produced the large reproductive cell” and since the current administration views zygotes as fully developed people the current administration accidentally classified all humans as female.
Incidentally there being multiple methods by which one’s sex can be determined incongruously from the typical indication of one’s chromosomes is just one reason why anti-trans bigotry is stupid.
I grew up in an evangelical Christian household. I was taught constantly that sex was an amazing experience and basically the best fun someone could have without drugs, but you definitely weren’t allowed to do it. This message was repeated for 20 some years.
When I hit puberty this meant I got the illustrious combo of constantly thinking about sex and constantly feeling guilty about thinking about sex.
When I finally did have sex it was fun, but like, no where near as exciting as it had been hyped up to be. It was kind of a let down, but at least I had that knowledge now.
I can absolutely understand why young men fall into the incel trap or harbour objectifying opinions of others. And if your father fell into that trap, well, you’re gonna have troubled teenage years that will be even more difficult to find normalcy from.
Well, I try to understand why something is included. I’ve run arch for years (BTW), though my current computers are running Fedora and Debian. I won’t say I know everything about Linux or even installing it or booting it, but I do know more than I would if I just followed step by step.
NEVER run a command you don’t know the purpose of. That being said, “sfc” stands for “System File Checker.” It is a utility that can help restore corrupted windows files. sfc /scannow
checks your protected files and restores corrupted files from a local cache. The process can take some time and you MUST let it finish it’s entirely.
In conclusion, this command is generally safe to run.
Start making more Co-op campaigns cause I have 1-3 friends and I don’t want my only options to play to be a sweaty deathmatch or tree cutting sim.
Maybe Orange man needs orange drink?
I saw one of these parked at my mall. As I was audibly saying “Oh, a Cybertruck” I noticed a second one parked a couple of spots down and continued “huh, there’s two of them.” It wasn’t until I’d finished “what a terrible mistake.” that I noticed the owner had paused climbing in to hear my conclusion prior to hanging his poor defeated head and leaving.
It means we can write our own future while moving past peer pressure from dead people. It ain’t that hard, guys.
I work with a mutual aid group that provides a food buffet of home cooked meals each Monday; tents, tarps, clothes, blankets, sleeping bags, warming/cooling supplies and harm reduction supplies, as available and needed; and a smaller daily meal that rotates between different encampments each day.
We’re not born “to” anything. There is no prescribed or ordained meaning or purpose to life; therefore, you can make of it what you will. I prefer to help people and try to make the world a better place, but that’s a choice that everyone has to make.
Why would robots make robots in child form?
Hell, we only have to do it once per billionaire. Since they only got to that point through their own self sufficient blood sweat and toil they’ll have no problems doing it again and better with all the experience they’ve learned along the way!
Why, if troops aren’t brave, should we not say “braver than the troops?”