Reddit is new school shit. There were many iterations.
Reddit is new school shit. There were many iterations.
Descartes is a proper mindfuck when you’re a kid, reality seems super sketchy, AND he’s got cool geometry that is completely fantastical yet rigid and unbreakable
Up for philosophy meme
Still you can’t think yourself into existence
Fark.com somehow still exists
CompuServe after AOL bought it
Can’t remember which one bought prodigy
Doesn’t pedantry just mean teaching? I think y’all knocked it out together, because you set him up
Edit My bad wikip says "Pedantry
an excessive concern with formalism, minor details, and rules that are not important.
Climate change and nukes baby
Flag emoji
it was like a watershed moment when i realized opossums are just dumb and adorable and not scary at all but i never met an evil one
The aesthetics were so frosty plastic, impossible to forget. The cool pizza huts had an entire room for the arcade cabinet games
Cue pizza house marketing reboot/revert in 3
Y’all remember that pizza was awful right?
Keep your bowel movements to yourself. Everything’s fcking melting.
Why is the guy from news radio always inn these mems
Another vote for AntennaPod, although Podcini doesn’t seem too different. They all lack a way to make multiple playlists.
Also, on my ancient tablet with Android 7, i use antenna pod except for playback, where i switch to Audio Anchor to avoid some crashing.
we agree more voting is better.
this scheme has no incentive to actually vote. It would likely help many people in voting, but a lot would just go fishing or stay home to play games. I’m not saying make it a crime to not vote.
tax incentives to vote sounds like a giveaway to tax-prep companies and tax-software companies, none of whom should exist at all.
and all of this when the whole voting structure is fucked – first-past-the-post is when one candidate gets more than another, even if they get a small minority of votes.
I used to agree that election day should be a bank holiday, but many many still have to work on bank holidays. Now I’m in a populous red state and in-person early voting has been available for years.
I voted early in 22 and in 20. Not sure how old the law is. I think I can vote early all the way up to Saturday, maybe Sunday. too lazy to check.
I think this is a better solution, mail voting notwithstanding. Voting doesn’t have to go on for a whole month, but a week or two early makes sense.
Anyways I’ll be voting sometime between now and Tuesday.
there’s no new big wall of information from the NY Times. ask them, what’s the scoop? my opinion, take a moment. wtf are you doing?
we all need to consider, it costs money to fund quality journalism. we have to be aware of the many forces working against basic silly journalism, like what’s happening at the school board.
Now he has a ratchet with grit in it
What happens when you bring a cat her toy?
She sighs, exasperated, and says, “I wanted you to open all the cabinet doors you fucking moron”
Who oder whom did what to deserve this