I dump Blu-rays to my NAS with zero re-encoding. Even for older shows the quality is leaps and bounds superior to any streaming service with plenty of bandwidth.
I dump Blu-rays to my NAS with zero re-encoding. Even for older shows the quality is leaps and bounds superior to any streaming service with plenty of bandwidth.
So funny and original
That’s not even the right syntax for the Reddit bot 😆
If I push a dog out of a moving car, who’s responsible for the dog falling? Probably me since I pushed the dog.
Since Trump won the popular vote (this time), whose fault is it that he’s now president?
I didn’t vote for him so I’m confused as to how it’s my fault.
Democrat here and guess who I blame? THE PEOPLE WHO VOTED FOR HIM. And sure enough, they do sure damn well seem dumber than a box of rocks.
I usually call him Jeff Bozo or just Bozo for short.
This is great but I don’t understand the six inch Subway sub reference
A city near me installed traffic lights and/or stop signs in their tiny residential roundabouts. In my mind it seriously speaks to the stupidity of drivers around here, but also the city for enabling them.
Yes, exactly!
Taking it to another level, my pet-peeve recently is drivers signaling the opposite direction they’re turning. I see it all the time (at least in the past few years) and I can’t figure out where the logic comes from.
There’s a Starbucks near me close to a complicated intersection. Without fail every Tesla making a left at the intersection does so directly into the rightmost lane (three lane street) then slams the brakes to turn right into the parking lot for Starbucks, all without a turn signal.
What also gets me is the right lane is super extra wide so you can move over and make the turn into the parking lot as slowly as you’d like, but instead they need to make sure they completely back up traffic behind them as they slowly make it across the left part of the right lane.
I’ll take that off your hands there buddy
What universe do you live in? Liberals are like this? 🤣
Well I MITM myself quite often to confirm it. I’m also smashing together hundreds of blocklists, and I always check the network tab of my browser’s developer tools and very rarely see anything coming from third-party domains.
Sure, sometimes assets are on the actual domain I’m visiting (or its CDN) but most of the time, even tracking scripts there are broken because they still call the blocked scripts.
By the way, it’s hilarious that everyone wants to fight so hard about this yet when someone says “use an adblocker” nobody says anything as if it’s the end-all solution.
I didn’t say “I have a bulletproof, surefire way to fix this.” I said “use network-based blocking.” However effective that is is up to the person implementing it; you have no idea how effective my setup is because you don’t have access to its configuration.
They’re not hard to circumvent, sure but then why am I so effectively blocking almost everything not tied to the “real” first-party domains?
Proxy? Is it that hard to figure out how to bundle and serve assets from the same domain? 😂
I’m a broken record: block Google (or whomever) with network-based blocking (IP and/or DNS), these guys have third-party tracking in virtually every website and app.
This is the correct answer. Facebook has third-party scripts all over the internet. I wish people would understand this — just because you’re not a Facebook user doesn’t mean Facebook (or anyone else) doesn’t track you.
I’m not sure about Facebook but tons of trackers are in apps too so the typical “use an adblocker” grumble isn’t even accurate either.
they’re perennially jealous of the shit Apple can get away with.
The day I can re-encode losslessly without a bigger file is the day I consider doing this.