I did not have this problem. In fact I experienced the opposite. My sister got shafted because everyone who we didnt see for anything other than Christmas would bring me presents for my birthday and Xmas and her birthday would be forgotten.
Keep it coming. I’ll be watching your career with great interest.
Haha well sorcery then…Her skin is so smooth and filled in. I was expecting lines from aging. Much like Geralt looked weather worn… he didn’t have silky smooth skin.
I want her to look like the same character who was in w3. It seems off to me.
I don’t want to sound like a neck beard but I would prefer her character model to look like her w3 one with just age applied. This one looks like someone doing cosplay and they also have Botox. It was cool trailer … excited about Ciri … just hope they improve her model.
Yea I’m banned from commenting on several instances of Lemmy. Not really sure why. I can view but I cannot participate.
Is there anything in existence that isn’t a fucking scam ?
There’s two kinds of people in this world … fart smellers and smart fellers.
Seems fairly rational to me.
Not until people stop using it.
I don’t remember the 90s either.
Oh you know they will. It’s a guarantee… and I hope that winds up being the case because the alternative is a nightmare come true.
Sir I’m inspired by this comment. Have an upvote.
This is a good post OP. Have an upvote.
Travel bag you forgot to empty and tossed into the void underneath your bed. The next time you travel you will find it.
Move to the neutral zone