Malt-o-meal is also a name brand rather than a store brand. Just less well known than Kellogg or General Mills.
Malt-o-meal is also a name brand rather than a store brand. Just less well known than Kellogg or General Mills.
Malt o meal is just better in general. The Colossal Berry Crunch is better than Cap’n Crunch too. And you can buy the giant bag that lasts forever.
I was going to say these people aren’t old enough to remember the time before fuel injection. When you could coax a car to start after multiple failed attempts but don’t flood it or you’re going to be sitting there a while.
Don’t blame the daddy long legs they don’t even have silk glands so they can’t make webs. All the other spiders laugh at them.
Don’t matter if you’re skinny or fat, conditioning is what’s going to matter when you’re trying to cross-chest carry some beefcake who thought he could handle himself in big surf.
Dee Snider calling out Tipper to her face in front of her husband was the best part of the PMRC Senate hearings.
As the creator of “Under the Blade,” I can say categorically that the only sadomasochism, bondage, and rape in this song is in the mind of Ms. Gore.
Not all recycling is useless. Aluminium and glass are two things that benefit greatly from recycling. Recycling aluminum takes 95% less energy than smelting it from ore, simply because it’s such a complex process. And recycling glass is just a matter of re-melting it.
Jenny I’ve got your number
I need to make you mine
Jenny don’t change your number
Eight six seven five three oh nine
And I banged this giant who is also my mom and I’d like you to meet our kids: a giant wolf, the world serpent and the Queen of hel.
It cures diseases of a non magical nature. Here’s a link to the full text
Don’t do bees dirty like that man. No other insect dies more for people than bees
Get a carbon monoxide monitor for your house.
Botulism is the poisoning you get from toxins produced by naturally occurring Clostridium botulinum bacteria. It can be a food-bourne illness and it’s the main reason you don’t give babies honey or peanut butter.
Botox is a treatment made out of it because it’s really good at blocking nerve signals so it “relaxes” involuntary muscles in the face that produce worry lines that make you look old. Derived from the name - BOtulinum TOXin. My dad has treatments to calm down involuntary twitches of his eye, and it works well for that.
Because we assume that life experience is an inverse square relationship with age.
When tweetle beetles fight, it’s called a tweetle beetle battle.
And when they battle in a puddle, it’s a tweetle beetle puddle battle.
AND, when tweetle beetles battle with paddles in a puddle, they call it a tweetle beetle puddle paddle battle.
AND, when beetles battle beetles in a puddle paddle battle and the beetle battle puddle is a puddle in a bottle they call it a tweetle beetle bottle puddle paddle battle muddle.
Revivify at 5th, Raise Dead at 9th, Resurrection at 13th, and True Resurrection at 17th. The different spells have their own requirements. Revivify has to be cast within one minute and can’t restore missing limbs, for example. True Resurrection doesn’t even require a body, just speak their name.
If you’re sleeping off a night shift and I’m up early I’ll be quite as a church mouse. But if you’re just laying in bed for no reason then you can deal with the noise of whatever I need to get done
You gotta find a good one that gives travel rewards or something. We’ve had a few vacations with free flights because of ours. Of course you should only spend what you can pay off in a month but it still adds up
This is my favorite part
Most native vegetation is gone from the oil field, with the most dense operational areas being almost completely barren except for pumping units, drilling pads, evaporation ponds, storage tanks, steam generators, and associated equipment.
You’ve never read any of the licenses for your software, then?