Thanks, I didn’t realize it was possible. Well, not gonna start arguing about mod policy, but I think down votes would have been just fine here. Anyway, no strong feelings in any direction here.
ihan normi koodi työ ukko
Thanks, I didn’t realize it was possible. Well, not gonna start arguing about mod policy, but I think down votes would have been just fine here. Anyway, no strong feelings in any direction here.
I bet you were very badly wrong in your comment, but I would have at least like to see it (and down vote it too if it deserved it). I don’t need protection from stupid, just illegal or outright racist/offensive.
Greedy assholes definitely ruin a lot for all of us.
Harari claims something similar in his book Sapiens, so it might not be so far fetched. However, even then people would have to pay for being alive with their work, even if it’s less.
This is true also when you have strong unions to bargain for good benefits. Still, you need to do some work, as opposed to the message of the meme “you have to pay for being alive”.
The only problem is the exploitative angle of the whole thing. They do underpaid work, but the farm owning corporation gets to keep the profits.
Before 1989 there was also a third option: move to West Berlin!
Has there ever been a time in human history where we were just allowed to exist for our passions and not work for survival? Our economic system definitely has its flaws, but this meme paints with too broad strokes.
Hate and simple answers. Trump will “fix inflation” and “bring jobs back”, what could be better? Don’t ask how or what it will cost.
If you say so. However, feel free to be one of those people who discover later in life how their quality of life drastically went up with a bit of jogging or going to the gym. “If I had figured this out younger, I would have …” and so on.
Do you even lift bro?
Seriously though, doing some exercise could fix both of those problems. Kicking extinct fish doesn’t count.
No, it’s actually a comment section for a Youtube video, and it is appropriate to voice an opinion related to it here.
The meme you’re parroting fits better when someone goes wildly off-topic, which is not what happened here.
I see, that explains it. Would have been useful to put that somewhere in the title or video description, tho.
I have to say I’m not terribly big fan of videos with a title that is opposite of the message. It feels cheap. “Don’t do X unless you want [long list of benefits of doing X]”. Why do we need this?
A few years ago many countries were marketing themselves with “Don’t go to [country name]”, and it was cringe already then.
Edit: I actually didn’t have any patience to watch the video initially, apart from skimming here and there, so I missed the fact that the speaker hasn’t seen the slides beforehand and it’s some kind of a joke presentation. Would have been nice to see it in the title or video description.
Bojack was pure gold. No idea about the rest.
Don’t you even think about the billionaires, bro?
Here is an Iron Law I have learned from two decades on Facebook: If you are 39 years old and married with two children, you do not get this ripped unless you are deeply unhappy.
Oh man, that hurt.
How to tell the world your testosterone levels have peaked and the decline is making you a bit cranky.
I really can’t decide if this is satire or not.
Carl Sagan.