Captain Disillusion
So long waiting, but the content is absolutely top tier.
Captain Disillusion
So long waiting, but the content is absolutely top tier.
Yes, those two are the most important and shouldn’t even be that hard to push. There are many laws that were pushed “to protect the children”, we might as well finally make some that actually do protect them.
The only valid reason is waterproofing. If the phone isn’t waterproof, it’s only to limit repairability… Also one factor in that was, I believe, the thinness war, but that’s pretty much over now as they all got to the practical limit I guess.
One thing that’s actually better for all that’s worse is the Discord means one login for everything. Back then you had to register to every forum even if you only needed one file and never came back again.
To me, Terry Pratchett made me realize I could become a writer. Now I just need to convince myself to stop being lazy and start actually writing. :-D
Don’t forget the companies that clean up mess and repair damages that sports fans make. They need some love (and loads of money) too.
If you come to visit you’ll be bored to tears
We haven’t even paid the phone bill in three hundred years.
No, it doesn’t. Where the hell did you find that nonsense?
The Cartesian Principle is: “I think, therefore I am. And although you’re not thinking, the computer is just making you think you’re thinking; nevertheless, you think you’re thinking, therefore you possibly are.”
Things just happen. What the hell. – Didactylos, Hogfather by Terry Pratchett
Lok, thu’um, Dovahkiin.
There’s a sequel exactly about this.
Guess who wins? :-D
You smeeee-heeeee!
Howdy-doodly-doo! I’m Talkie, Talkie Toaster, your chirpy breakfast companion. Talkie’s the name, toasting’s the game. Anyone like any toast?
Dried frog pills are no more :-(
Nope. I thought that as well at first.