gasp… “Maxwell… you’ve returned so soon!”
gasp… “Maxwell… you’ve returned so soon!”
According to PEGI, Sonic 2 should be rated 18+ because of simulated gambling.
Guess i was about to share this with friends
Well, body armor has certainly improved from what i can tell 😅
I always think its funny how bullets never seem to penetrate anything in movies. Like, guy hiding behind a barrel? Nope, cant penetrate, even with a rifle. The newest Batman movie had me shaking my head as he shrugged off multiple rifle rounds to his armor.
Bullets are insanely dangerous and powerful. A .223 round can penetrate a solid brick wall pretty easily, and can destroy a cinderblock wall with some effort. Even if it doesnt penetrate, the amount of force applied is incredible. Plates designed to stop bullets have to be made in specific ways to make sure a bullet doesn’t penetrate, but even with that plate, the sheer force of an impact can break bones.
There is no downside here
Factory Default, but ive been doing a lot of modding with it to make it look like a new one, while keeping the core the same.
I think it would officially be lobbying, or, in laymans terms, bribery.
“Remember, the GEP gun is the best way to make a silent take-down.” -Paul Denton
I just wanna see more warp/chaos stuff tbh.
Event Horizon but I feel that it would be a lot more in your face horror if they made it today.
They protects that which they cannot possess 😞