vitamin water (sugar free, plz) + vodka
vitamin water (sugar free, plz) + vodka
I love this meme and usually snortle every time I see it, but the text on this one has me full on giggling. Thanks for cheering me up 🥰
I love the mosses you have! And that looks like such a refreshing dip
I’m off work today because I’m in a lot of pain
Thanks for sharing this video! I’m not at all musically or vocally talented but I got great enjoyment from it and gave me a few laughs. I’ll probably check out some other videos of hers; thanks again for posting good content
It was my third, but maybe I should take the evening off
That’s hilarious. I really didn’t expect it to be a real thing
I never questioned the y but always read it as a G
You wouldn’t steal a handbag; you wouldn’t steal a car; …
I considered deleting the post
Please don’t! I’ve been out and about today and inadvertently left this post open. I’ve thoroughly enjoyed reading all of the comments and it has been one of the most engaging posts I’ve seen on Lemmy
I appreciate all of the discussion it generated! Thank you <3
I’m taking it to be a reference to how earthquake magnitudes are represented on the Richter scale
Le calle au le voide
You’re very poetic with your sadism.
I love that man. He’s a fantastic actor and I get a bit of joy whenever I catch him in a show or movie
In The Frighteners, he plays this guy, who is an absolute treat:
It’s definitely one of my favorite things to watch, and I’d absolutely recommend it! (Definitely not safe for children.)
Fuck. I’ll never not see piglin girls from now on. Thank you ♥️
It’s not a mandatory feature for me personally, but I absolutely prefer having an actual headphone jack and die a little inside when a new phone doesn’t
You can “get around” that by using a usb c to 3.5mm audio adaptor, or a y adaptor that’s a 3.5mm audio and another USBC to allow for charging at the same time
Thanks for that initial comment! I went and checked it again. Something is definitely fucky with the mirroring in the images and it’s messing with my eyes 😂
I’ve been poking around the web trying to find reputable places for stickers. I haven’t ordered from this person so I can’t vouch. I do love some of their designs though!
I’d like to know if you have any recommendations for sites?