You just happened to stumble across the stupidest motherfucker alive. Probably alive. Those risky decisions don’t take themselves.
Turds gushing like a broken damn
Uhh, I guess one could argue that it’s poetic? Like he knows he’s a piece of shit. He knows there are other pieces of shit. But he’s too stupid to know that there are probably admins in multiple time zones when you go to sleep, NLP-powered blacklists and other automod tools. (I’m assuming)
wait did he set his username to specifically call you a slur?
we are definitely not smoking the same strain
probably not even smoking the same substance
I don’t mean crack or bath salts or whatever
I mean like, carbon monoxide, leaded gasoline and rare deliriants.
Didn’t know I was talking to a mod, so wasn’t intending to ass-kiss. Uh let me say something to prove I’m not biased but not break the rules.
Your 2nd favourite song probably isn’t all that great
Managed to confuse someone besides myself while high
fuck yeah I think that could be an achievement
business acumen or something idk I’m high as fuck
tldr yeah was just being silly I know those aren’t dogs.
While looking for an opossum meme on my phone, not finding it between all the Luigi Mangione memes, and taking one from Google images instead, I had an introspective thought. Apologies if the confusion thing came off as rude. I did not intend to insult you, I just intended on celebrating my silly.
With high doses of cannabis, for me, it’s “think fun thoughts = feel good feelings”. Sorry if I made you feel bad feelings. You got a really cool instance name, if that could possibly lift the mood and undo emotional damage. Also, I’m not just saying that. It’s cyberpunk af which is sick as hell homie
(As caused by my mind-altering chemical intake)
(That previous additional caption joke was a coincidence, I did not know what the caption was before writing the accessibility description)
hi, yes, piece of shit here
where do I get more of them cute doggy memes with the subtle threats in those stylistic fonts
Also, like what breed of dog is that
I always thought it was porn brain
don’t ask me why I thought that
Please don’t floor it when you see my indicator light telling you that I would like to merge
My armchair psychology theory is that it is the same brain mechanism why people smoke cigarettes.
We know smoking cigarettes is bad. Cigarette smokers know smoking cigarettes is bad, but they can’t stop.
Obviously addiction plays a part, but they won’t switch to nicotine gum, nor zyns/snus nor even vapes
I may have fallen out of touch, but I don’t think so.
The last sturgeon meme I saw was was Charlie Wonka asserting that he was a sturgeon
Must have been two years ago almost
is it still seasonal depression if it happens every season
I’m going to suppress my curiosity and not look into whatever you’re referencing.
I assume it’s like those badgers or lemurs or something 1998 honda civets in Southeast Asia (I think) that are caged, fed and shit out those special coffee beans that tourists just fucking love.
I hope that was an anti-depressant induced vivid dream memory and not a real memory of something that actually happens.
A wise friend once said, “you should wipe your ass before you clean your home” he meant it literally, but I like the phrasing.
Get involved in local politics. Do you know the name of your Town’s mayor? I didn’t. Fucking former prison warden. I don’t recall voting for him.
I fucking knew Ive been spotting more of those fuckers who don’t show up when you’re getting mugged
I think it’s a joke
The setup makes us assume no nudes are being exchanged.
We expect that the transphobe is warning the writer that one of the people receiving nudes is trans. We then expect the reveal to be that the write is trans or something along those lines. It was difficult for me to follow too.
The punchline is that nudes were indeed being exchanged. The transphobe was just a subversion.
Maybe half ass it a little bit
If they’re not compensating you for giving 150% of your energy, then don’t give them 150% of your energy.
Like, tell them you need to catch a breath, take a “smoke break” (even if you don’t smoke, mime vape a lil ink pen in the smoking section). Rehydrate more, piss more. Say you’re dizzy. Come up with something.
October 19th got 33 hours in it, so remember to make use of that
I assume the guy with the solution is doing that Turkish ice cream vendor thing where he keeps sleight-of-handing it away from the rest of the government
Snort 50-60 grams of creatine
Eat so much protein that it changes your gut bacteria and brain chemistry
Lift weights until you feel nothing but fiery pain in your muscles.
Do this daily and you won’t have any issues with carrying anything that was designed to be carried.
If this were true I would already have had like 19 heart attacks by now
edit: what was that meant to do