Thats why i like this place. Arguing and discussion online is terrible and its more suited to do with friends you trust.
Thats why i like this place. Arguing and discussion online is terrible and its more suited to do with friends you trust.
Hasnt Vaush went full democrat and no longer calls himself a socialist? I think in his debate with Paulsego he said to thank the democrats for the weekend not labor unions. He also said that Biden is better than Bernie could have ever been.
No its not allowed youve been a bad boy.
Why do you come to the internet just to argue? I dont think it makes you feel good, and your language doesnt suggest you want your view changed.
It might be good for your mental health to find people you agree with and talk to them. You will be happier.
They were mocking people who say that. -_-
I got fired because of a 1/5 star rating where in the comments of the feedback they said i did excellent and was nice but they hated “the damn robot before and after”
My boss said that it was still my responsibility and that if i took more ownership i wouldnt get fired from wherever i worked in the future. I asked him if he would reconsider firing me. He paused for an exceptionally long time and said no. I cried and he laughed in my face. When security walked me out they wouldnt let me keep my headphones that i had brought in and paid for with my own money.
Im forcing you to be a man and stop playing video games.
Adults who play solitary video games or multiplayer video games with people they dont know as anything more than a once a week thing are man babies.
Ive played games once in about the last month. I really enjoyed it.
My laptop ia mostly a writing machine. I also browse the internet and watch movies - which is a social activity with my husband.
Settings -> click scroll enable. Maybe you had some weird version or you couldnt do that before. You can now.
I put larry the cucumber in my ass. I admit it.
Comment on threads you agree with instead of disagree with and you won’t feel frustrated enough to go ugh. I know its difficult. I have trouble with it sometimes too.
The main reason I like Lemmy is that not everything is a debate yet. It reminds me of the old forum I had for my private WoW server as a teenager.
Also, sometimes I ask myself if something really affects me, and if its worth stressing over. Some things are important, so rather than ask myself if it affects me, I ask if I can do anything about it. If its out of my control, then it may as well be sports.
Why do people think consuming things makes them a member of a political group of any kind? Your trump hat does not make you a conservative. So many people really do treat themselves like an action figure.
It does not
Yeah my familly left the USSR in the 20s less because of oppression and more because of their incorrect beliefs that America was a golden palace. My grandpa used to laugh about how his dad would complain that food costs money and that the company town was basically feudalism in America. Yet here I am, working in the coal mine just like my ancestors. Part of me yearns for the mines, and enjoys it more than my days off. My depression keeps me from feeling anything but hard work is still satisfying.
I work at a coal mine! _
I yearn for the mines. Its nice and chilly and dark. I wear all black and hate the sun. I thought it would be bad for my skin but the coal dust dries me out and killed all my acne. Now im nice and smooth, unlike my coworkers.
Monero is an ok cyrptocurrency because its not designed to make you money. Its designed to launder money and buy illegal things. Its useful if youre trans and live in Florida where hormones will be illegal.
Anyone who thinks crypto will replace money is high. The problem with capitalism isnt money. You cant fix it by inventing different money.
I feel like maybe you could have been more hostile. Why dont you try again, and really let it out this time!
Speeding should be legal but the government hates freedom. This is why there shouldnt be a state.