Trust me, those Sennheisers will benefit from an amp. I thought the same thing about my HD 650s before I heard them with an amp in the audio chain.
It is an absolutely fantastic (and bizarre) game with an addictive game loop. It reminds me of Stardew Valley in that you can just play it and chill, it’s one of those kinds of games; you won’t be super challenged while playing it, but that’s OK, it’s not that type of game. It has a basic storyline, good humor, and the mechanics of the game also expand quite a bit as compared to the beginning of it. I’ve told multiple people “Don’t look up reviews or videos, just buy this blind/sight-unseen and play it.” and there hasn’t been a single person that hasn’t enjoyed the shit out of it. I’d buy it again for twice the asking price. It’s just fun.
So yeah, 10000% recommend.
Unlawful harvesting of jellyfish? Dave the Diver.
The fact they can legally charge a subscription for a fitted feature that does not pose any continuous cost for the company is insane
It’s called “Rent-Seeking Behavior” and it has infected essentially every single fucking millimeter of the market.
You’ll own nothing and you’ll fucking like it.
If I go to sleep at that point, I’m out. Done. I’m sleeping through the alarms or turning them off in my sleep, and that’s a guarantee. No waking me up unless someone is physically dragging my ass out of bed, and that’s still just a maybe.
When you see “Account created: 1997”.
“These are the sacred scrolls of the ancient ones.”
I have boots older than some people that are posting on Lemmy today…
Now that societal failsafe is gone. Now people just aren’t challenged for holding the wrong opinion.
I agree with everything you said except for this. Opinions are never wrong since they’re subjective, they’re just fucking stupid.
The only Chromium-based browser worth a damn is Vivaldi.
It’s privacy-focused and made by the same people who originally made Opera before it got sold off and turned into malware.
Because Firefox honestly used to be shit, especially in the early Phoenix/Firebird days, but now it isn’t anymore, and they just haven’t bothered to check it out again. The “killing all the existing extensions” thing really didn’t help matters either.
Lmfao. Bro edge is chromium my guy. You just switched from one skin to another is all. It’s all the same under the hood🤣
They are definitely not all the same, and Vivaldi is a fantastic example of that. Just because it’s Chromium-based doesn’t mean it’s chock full of bullshit and a Chrome reskin, it just means that it most likely is. Vivaldi definitely isn’t.
Changing request headers is a trivial thing.
Hearing a song that you’ve downloaded playing on the radio, surprised it didn’t skip in that one spot
To this day my brain still jams in neutral when I don’t hear a skip at the end of Guerilla Radio the last time Zach says “now”
I mean that is the problem of too many people being on that one instance.
From what I understand, capacity isn’t the issue, it’s that they’re being repeatedly DDoS’ed
But for some reason it started being sold in higher and higher dosages.
I’m not saying this to be elitist or an asshole, or trying to be “better than”/superior or whatever, but for the most part, people really just aren’t that smart and don’t care to improve that situation. Think of the dumbest person that you know; statistically, half of all people are dumber than that.
personally I’ve never had ‘spider nightmares’ from taking Benadryl, either…
Oddly enough, too much melatonin gives me intense nightmares. 3mg or less for me or it’s a guaranteed bad time.
He wasn’t homeless.
He had a wine barrel.
You’re free to use sync for Lemmy in much the same way you can run a Spotify client in Linux. One does not destroy the other.
I don’t understand these mini-Stallmans and their identical attitudes like this. One Stallman is enough, please develop a personality and realize that things do come in shades of grey.
I contribute to FOSS projects & I love Linux and have been using it professionally for a couple of decades, but I’m never going to stand up an LDAP server on it when Active Directory exists, the same way I’m never going to use Windows as a Docker host or a network load balancer.
Use the best tool for the job, don’t be a zealot.
I have tinnitus with two different frequencies constantly blaring in my ears from target shooting and loud concerts sans ear protection.
You’ll be able to tell the difference in a quality pair of headphones, trust me.