Quote, I’m using tasks.org synced over Nextcloud (supported by davx5 on android or natively on iOS).
Ok thank you!
Hi, can you suggest me a call blocker? Because Yet another call blocker isn’t working anymore on my device. Thanks!
Great that you use Freshrss, too! For my curiosity, which app (android) do you use as client?
Hi, I’m using Freshrss on a VPS too. What it’s missing to me it’s, like you, a foss app client. Because there a’re FeedMe or FocusReader that work pretty well, but they’re closed source and IIRC Chinese too.
A few weeks ago I was thinking that maybe it should be possible to sync Feeder rss across different hosts through Syncthing, but I haven’t found experiences about online, neither I’ve given a try.