I would like to see what would happen if copyfarleft & post-open source licenses had more uptake.
I would like to see what would happen if copyfarleft & post-open source licenses had more uptake.
I find myself not often using my open hardware USB security token since it is inconvenient to use a dongle (same reason phones should never have dropped headphone jacks)
The USB 2 is for a mouse or keyboard as extra bandwidth does nothing.
I can’t relate tho. My laptop only has two USB4 with type-C connectors. I really wish it tad at least one type-A connection. Luckily unlike my last laptop, at least this one has a headphone jack (I guess ASUS learned from their folly & never skipped the jack on future models).
Baby. Bathwater.
Not all of the cryptocurrency behave as a Ponzi scheme even if many do. It also happens to be the most convenient way to transfer money between myself & the foreign friends I have—especially with Monero & Zcash hiding the transaction like cash would. I mostly use cash daily but if I have to do it digitally, I would rather it not be logged thru the government, some US-based tech firm, & all their third-party advertizing affiliates as is the case with credit cards and other mobile apps.
Other countries hate the IRS & FCC too. It is quite difficult to open a foreign bank or crypto exchange account… if not just outright blocked all Americans from even trying.
Great to know. I saw it missing from the support table & just assumed that was that.
Yep. Camera situation is shit. I often carry a mirrorless so I can get a nice photo if I need it, but it means a general photo by me is shit since you need that proprietary software. And yet still since I use the headphone jack more than anything, it is a requirement—along with an unGoogled experience for privacy. If you want a jack + unlockable bootloader with flagship specs, Xperia is the only line left.
That is a real concern & it seems they are moving to 4 years of updates as well as not rolling out a new phone every year, but given that LineageOS supports the phones, even if I am not getting firmeware updates, I am willing to take that risk since I get more IO.
The Xperia 5 is a skinny 6.1" & many consider it to be a small phone option in 2024.
I saw the SailfishOS support last month. I would have picked up a 10 instead of 5 even with the non-flapship specs to have a way ‘out’ of Android in case. It is quite a suprise Sony is their chosen brand over the more popular option (even if they have worse IO)—butt the bigger shame is not extending support to the flagship 1 & 5 😔
Last with a headphone jack on the flagship while still allowing bootloader unlocking too. This is why I picked one up last year.
You lost me at tea bags. What are you doing‽ Loose-leaf hea is cheaper, easier, is almost always high quality, doesn’t impart a taste of bag, better flavor on multiple steeps, & isn’t literal trash (plastic ones are real bad for the environment). You get higher quality leaves & now you don’t need to carry around milk or sugar to mask the bad flavor too.
Y’all. Nostalgia is a strong drug, but we all gotta move past Nintendo with its years of behavior like this. Support indies.
You mean lost features? Remember when headphone jacks, microSD, & dual SIM were normal?
ผีเสื้อ in Thai translates to “shirt ghost” 🤷 it sounds very similar to the tone-deaf as “tiger ghost” which is certainly a cooler name, but nope.
They still exist in the malls of Asia
Early 90’s what? You mean early ’90s?
The $2 meal deal, kept me alive in college. Sounds like I couldn’t even get the tiny Doritos bag for $2 now.
No it doesn’t. You can resale GPL & you can even ask money just to get access to the source code & still comply with the license. You can host it without sharing anything (AGPL), & apparently you can train a LLM model on it which can then regurgitate the code which also apparently seems like it will be legal.