if he didn’t advertise himself as Führer
What? He was elected because he kept stumm.
if he didn’t advertise himself as Führer
What? He was elected because he kept stumm.
wow, as you just proved
Yeah, let‘s discuss it.
I think considering history and present one must be mad to come up with such an idea.
On the other hand: We’re not even discussing finding an agreement. It’s a bit like a taboo, too.
And: because we’re not winning, does it mean we have to escalate?
I think he might be even a communist!
Do you think we deal differently with it in the West and do you think it is morally more appropriate?
I have to report it is similar in Europe
Ah! Secret EU plan against Orban! Well FT, if you don‘t produce more of this document, and any kind of proof that this is more than a research paper, I call BS. There is so little in this article supporting the monstrous claim that the EU is secretly planning to devalue Hungary‘s currency, that I get the feeling that this is the expression of an anti EU agenda by the FT itself. There you go, that‘s my monstrous assumption.
or: maybe we fight the few that make everything so miserable. It‘s just a few, right?!
“ German politics is an absolute shit show right now” just a matter of perspective
thanks for the extensive reply! I‘ll check out the article, I‘m interested. Hopefully I’ll have some time to digest and discuss
You‘re equating people and nation states. Germany isn‘t an „extremist fundamentalist“ for supporting the existence of Israel come what may. You know why it does so. It doesn‘t necessarily support all Israeli policies. You know that relatives of Hamas‘ hostages are in Germany right now, because they have the feeling that Germany might be able to help them. They wouldn‘t think that if they believed Germany supported every Israeli policy.
sure if you‘re not interested in context you could say that
I‘m cautiously optimistic!
On the other hand: This news article is crap. why not actually read the interview Musk gave: https://lexfridman.com/elon-musk-4-transcript After having read the part about Ukraine, my interpretation would rather be: Even an idiot like Musk is able to give a pretty good analysis of what‘s happening in a war like this.
As I think this is closely related, but no one mentions it, what do you think about those laws: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Flag_desecration
not the ideal place to bring up freedom of movement. Better to fight for it in other matters. For example border checks between Austria and Bavaria that have been going on for years now.
Nene, wart mal, jetzt würde es mich doch interessieren. Womit hast du Recht? Oder nicht Unrecht?
Womit? Dass es hier eine Schnittmenge gibt? Was für eine Erkenntnis soll das sein?
Thanks for this piece of blatant propaganda. The Center for European Policy Analysis (CEPA) almost sounds like CEPS, the Centre for European Policy Studies, which is a European think tank comprised of former European politicians. But it isn‘t European at all. On the board are American industrialists, including policy advisers from Meta and other industries. Keep in mind that Germany is after the US the biggest supplier of weapons to Ukraine. If the Americans want to wipe their hands off of Ukraine, don‘t accuse us of being complacent.