Even if… they are just showing you a way to style it.
Even if… they are just showing you a way to style it.
But I concede that it is one of the worst and most delicate ports ever stuck on something expected to have a plug jammed in it literally a thousand times.
You mean the micro USB 3.0 v1 which was backwards compatible with micro usb. That’s right you could use the new fangled USB 3.0 port and cable and get those speeds as well as charging rate. Or… Use a bog generic USB micro USB 2.0 cable and it would still fit on one side of the port and was still useable for USB 2.0 speeds and charging rates.
used to have a FM tuner on the modem. International models do still carry modems with FM tuners on them. And the antenna was you headphone cord. Which is why it doesnt and won’t work with Bluetooth… And for all likely hood it won’t work with USB c headphones either
Open one for it. They smell the sweet delicious insides but can’t smell the skin
That our I’ve been up to nothing I’m willing to talk about or admit…
After dark flying toasters.
Tire stack… Start growing in a tire or right on the ground. As soon as it’s taller than the next available tire take that tire place it on the stack and bury the plant until there’s just a couple of leaves above ground. Everything you buried be gentle will root out and become space for more spuds. When it grows up taller than another tire rinse and repeat until you have a stack of tires when you’re ready to harvest just start knocking the tires over one by one. Works well to line them with plastic as well if you can
Ok Hillary sit the fuck down.
that car is amazing though tbh.
trying hard to conceal my disgust.
hur dur from internet explorer 6.0+
That’s fine just board up his doors and tell him that he is unable to do any business until the fine is paid and then the offending material will be removed from the building by city provided workers and you take until his check clears the bank in order to finish and allow him back into the building you barricade off every single entrance and prevent entry to the building until you’re done just say it’s for safety sake we had to take this much time to make sure we did it correctly unlike what you did…
Because they were prohibitively expensive in materials to make. They were diesel electric. Like modern trains. But all the copper needed made them unfeasible.