1 year agoAustrian inflation for October 2023 is 5.4% (so 1.3% points less than the 6.7 that they had in October 2023 in Rusia). The ~8% was the inflation for 2022, where Russia had an inflation rate of 13.77%.
But to answer your question, starting a war definitely helped them getting a high inflation.
Source inflation Austria: https://www.infina.at/trends/statistik-inflation/#:~:text=Aktuelle Inflation in Österreich [Stand,deutliche 1%2C4 %25 gefallen. Source inflation Russia: https://de.statista.com/statistik/daten/studie/171867/umfrage/inflationsrate-in-russland/#:~:text=Im Jahr 2022 hat die,rund 5%2C28 Prozent prognostiziert.
Luxury brands usually produce in the same places as fast fashion, the only difference is their margin when selling. If you want it sustainable and with fair working conditions, it’s also cost about the same, but you’d have to look for it (and probably will only find a few products of luxury brands)