global waning
If you were actually perfect it wouldn’t bother you at all.
4 before 6 because of the hole in 4.
2 and 3 at the same time.
They’re plummetting to earth like sacks of wet cement!
Pea s wa s never an option
I don’t put anything like that in my sauce. Tomatoes, garlic, olive oil, herbs and spices.
I think cooking it for hours tends to lower the acidity a bit.
But I think I just like it that way.
I have never put any sugar in my from scratch sauce. But that’s probably why I don’t like jar sauce.
Then what’s the key for?
Edit: Reading other comments. Weird.
Also, key or lock bumping is a way to open a lock without the proper key.
I guess the plethora of balls and fencing matches I was planning to attend are out now.
At least it’s not loss.