Wow, I stand corrected. TIL thanks.
Wow, I stand corrected. TIL thanks.
EDIT today I learned that the reports of witnesses and their inaction was grossly exaggerated by an unscrupulous journalist. So the following statement is almost entirely fabricated. My apologies. Comment left intact for transparency.
38 people in her neighborhood admitted to hearing her and choosing not to intervene. They all gave different reasons for not helping.
There was the horrifying story of Kitty Genovese in New York in 1968. Edit 1964
Sometimes I use the tomato as a plate for ketchup so I can dip my fries.
Yes, officer, this one right here.
You also cannot make the sound with your voice. Stop trying. There are overlapping sounds that you can’t reproduce no matter how much “vvwaoshooowoahewaoushroooommmm” you do.
Yeah this is some not-so-subtle propaganda from our komrades.
That’s fair, but there’s a wide gulph between transient homeless and wealthy enough to pay all your bills and still travel the world. The overwhelming majority of people in the middle have to work full time to maintain their standard of living, and even the destitute will have responsibilities that prevent them from slinging a pack over their shoulder and riding the rails.
I agree that people should be encouraged to get out more and see more of the world, but that’s like telling people to eat more fresh vegetables and home cooked meals because processed fast food is unhealthy. People who can and do reap the benefits, but not everyone who would, can.
You could chime in that you grew up poor on a farm where your grandma’s garden was your only source of food, and that wouldn’t counter the point that for most people, fresh produce is either unavailable, too expensive, or too time-consuming to be a regular part of their diet. Likewise, most people cannot drop everything and become nomads hitchiking across the lands like fucking David Banner or Jarod the Pretender.
To put it another way, Travel is a luxury enjoyed by the unencumbered, whether by wealth or absence. It is not an option available to everyone.
Mexico, too. I’m never sure if people exclude it because they consider Mexico to be Central America, which it isn’t, but North America includes Central America anyway. Or do they just forget Mexico is a country?
If you didn’t want to be a bigot, you should have been born rich and traveled more. That’s just science, don’t @ me.
What those names make me remember:
Touch screens have no business in dashboards. I don’t care how sleek it looks to replace all the physical buttons. You have to look at a touch screen to use it. That alone makes them entirely unfit for the purpose. Physical buttons that can be identified by touch and provide tactile feedback are the only interfaces that make any fucking sense at all.
This fees like something so obvious that I cannot understand how we got here.
Lot’s of websites exist. How did they do it before invasive ads and tracking?
I don’t demand anything, but I’m not responsible for making sure anyone else makes money. Sell it, give it away, or don’t. Don’t beg me to allow third parties to infect my devices just because they paid you to ask me.
The string section is responsible for slicing the sandwiches into finger-sized snacks so that the floutists and other woodwinds may also join in the honkwich fun. Simply slide the honkwich between the fingerboard and the strings and then press down.
Not really. There are plenty of social media apps and services that aren’t toeing the line. TikTok is being targeted because of their relatioship with China.
And to add another point, people en masse are followers. They vote the way they are told. At some point, progressives got the idea that it is impolite to tell people how to vote. That means the loudest voices are the most impolite. That’s a breeding ground for fascists and charletains. Speak up, challenge stupidity and lies, and make bigots feel bad again.
He prefers the altar boys eat it everyday.