There were some polls asking why people voted for Brexit. Not only where there respondents wanting imperial measurements, there was even a small but significant group that wanted the return of pre-decimal currency, which was abolished in 1971.
For those not familiar with the UK’s old currency, it used to be 12 pence in a shilling, and 20 shillings in a pound, and with a variety of coins representing odd combinations of those.
Stone is only real used for body weights now, and mostly be older people. I see metric weights used a lot more in medicine and by younger folk now.
I honestly don’t know how they do it. Whenever I get handed someone else’s device without an adblocker I find it almost painful to try and use.
With RFC 1149, this would still work now.
According to the internet, he did it at university, eating nothing but mince, chicken, and mayonnaise for about 2 months. He did so to annoy other students in his classes who were vegan or vegetarian.
I’ve actually heard a few stories of uni students getting scurvy, although they were because they either didn’t know how to cook or couldn’t afford food.
Don’t let the fancy bottles trick you into ignoring the potential side effects though, you don’t want to get too spliced up.
They got round that a bit by having the player be a sort of prototype Big Daddy, who was more agile and human like. You still had to fight other Big Daddies to get Adam, but they added a new option to temporarily “adopt” their Little Sister as well as harvest or rescue them.
I haven’t played 2 in a while but from what I remember the gameplay was fairly fun, especially with the drill weapon.
The problem is having one singular “industry standard” in the first place. If Adobe is eventually dislodged for something else it would eventually become just as bad, because there would still be no meaningful competition to keep it in line.
The wording of the new App Store rules say developers are responsible for any software offered in an app, and there’s been a bit of debate going on as to what that means in practice.
I haven’t heard if any emulators have or haven’t passed Apple’s review process yet.
You’ve got this, the potatoes have your back.
But the plastic dino is a Stegosaurus…
That’s one of the big problems with maths teaching in the UK, it’s almost actively hostile to giving any sort of context.
When a subject is reduced to a chore done for its own sake it’s no wonder most students don’t develop a passion or interest in it.
But what if you are privacy conscious and poor?
Printing a Roman dodecahedron seems like an interesting torture test for a 3D printer, plenty of overhangs.
My theory is that they had no practical purpose, they were just a trendy knickknack that eventually fell out of fashion. A Roman equivalent of a fidget spinner or something.
In a few thousand years whatever has become of humanity will be digging up fidget spinners and wondering about them in the same way we do with dodecahedrons. It’s not as if anyone will have been preserving fidget spinner media for millennia to explain them.
My ancient washing machine already has a notification system, no smart features needed. When it’s making an awful noise it’s still washing, when I can hear myself think again it’s finished.
The distributed computing explanation for purpose of the Matrix doesn’t seem to make much more sense than the power plant one.
All of the nodes are continuously occupied by living in the simulation. Unless the machines had a desperate need to understand human society circa 1999, there is nothing useful the machines could do with all the brain power.
That last part, what a waste.
A local school near me replaced the computer suite with new machines and just left the old ones in a big cage outside to rust. Something about being “too expensive” to properly dispose or recycle.
Cubic hands?