One of my closest friends nearly committed suicide because of how miserable Walmart made his life.
One of my closest friends nearly committed suicide because of how miserable Walmart made his life.
I mean, if a guy posted the same stuff about Joe Biden, tried to break into the White House with a pistol, but was stopped before he could pull the trigger, would you call that an assassination attempt? I sure would - he wanted to kill the guy so he went there to do the deed. What other reason would someone have to hide in the bushes on someone else’s property with a gun for 12 hours?
Dude was apparently waiting in the bushes for 12 hours. You don’t do that if you’re not waiting for someone or something. The Second Amendment doesn’t give you the right to camp out on someone else’s property with a gun.
To be honest, Yorkshire Gold is probably the best black tea you can get in US grocery stores. I have some kind of weird tannin sensitivity that causes it and most grocery store black teas to be painfully bitter, but it’s a nice “try this and see what you think” tea.
Here’s what I recommend: get some silver needle white tea - Yunnan Sourcing has good stuff - and a big tea strainer basket that goes in your mug. Boil the leaves for three minutes, but don’t dump the basket, just put it aside. Drink the cup. Then boil them again for 3 minutes 30 seconds, drink, and boil for 4 minutes. See how that goes. If you get a big bag of tea, you’ll be able to experiment.
I used to believe tea was trash too. That was because I was only drinking grocery store bags. Problem with those is the tea in them is stale, like breadcrumbs, and typically devoid of flavor. Broaden your horizons a bit.
I prefer loose-leaf tea as well. I can’t tell whether I prefer a sweet and relaxing cup of silver needle or a whiskey-strength brew of gyokuro. Genmaicha with matcha dust during a work day is a great little escape, and you can’t go wrong with a big-leaf Chinese black tea.
Ironically, the Brits conquered the world only to shut themselves out of every culture they could have learned from.
Said like a true “never had good tea in their life” individual.
It would have been better if Russia had abided by the Minsk II agreement. Better yet, if the Budapest memorandum had been enforced and Russia not invaded its sovereign neighbor to begin with. But power is the only language Russia speaks.