If we stuck to attacking Trump’s awful policies and did not attack his appearance people might mistake us for adults and we can’t have that. Orange lol amirite?
That is not a wireless access point
For posting that
“attack fort Sumter” is the correct answer
He had a 6 figure job and his parents are multimillionaires. He probably had access to more money than the guy he shot.
Simplified is good. It’s a language not a secret code. Idk why the UK is so damn proud of their vestigial U in “colour”.
I’m just questioning whether it’s productive for allies to label cis/hetero as “normal”.
It’s about upholding normalcy.
Does calling it “normalcy” play right into their hands? It kind of implies that they’re right, that their vision is objectively normal.
Oh for sure. When I first read it I had no idea what they were talking about, then when you posted what it actually was I was like “yep, queue management snail, that checks out”
“Queue management snail” is a perfectly valid name for that device imo
Wanting to fuck dragons isn’t a gender. It’s somewhere between kink and orientation.
That seems incredibly scammy to me
Of course it does, it’s the lottery
We here on planet Dirt are bad at naming things
Or do the same basic troubleshooting you would for any other computer. It sounds like the person you’re replying to doesn’t know how to do that. They should learn. It’s not that hard.
If only it had a whole slew of logs, like any other OS, that I could easily Google the locations of… Nah, vomiting ignorance on Lemmy is easier.
Ibuprofen is the real deal.
Maybe before naproxen was invented.
This is America’s fault