I like bleu cheese. Babybel is right on the money, though. Sometimes those little paper pull tabs arent exposed and then its a huge pain to get the wax off.
I like bleu cheese. Babybel is right on the money, though. Sometimes those little paper pull tabs arent exposed and then its a huge pain to get the wax off.
I’m in lesbians with you.
My favorite way to order from indian places is “not spicy for child” because otherwise mild is too spicy for me. 🙃
The suggestion is that it’s good with mozzarella sticks.
I always assumed it was the lead because it always smelled so sweet
I disagree. I wasn’t able to beat them in the original, but I was able to beat them in Ragnarok.
I approve of this series of memes. Please continue.
yes technically both are correct when written, since the pronunciation is somewhere between the two
Its actually decently close, but a touch off. Off enough that you’ll definitely sound like an American trying to speak Japanese, and if you’re actually in Japan, they may not recognize a few of these. The numbers are good aside from 6 (Roku) and 10 (needs a y in it, like jyew). Ohio is also hilariously accurate enough.
In Japanese, R and L are the same, and it sounds a bit like making both sounds at the same time (its done by trilling the R, a little bit lik rolling an R). In this document, they use L, but you’ll probably have an easier time being understood using R. (Key ray instrad of key lay, Airy got toe).
I want to leave all my posts that call out hate but deleting everything else.
The child looks 30
Oh there’s already a few of those.
oh good it’s not just me… And what’s with that absolutely awful contrnt aware brightness implementation?
Protein shake additives are what helped me add variety. Tea/matcha/coffee, chocolate, yoghurt, or even just a pinch of salt. I never had the opportunity to try but I bet freezedried fruits would be tasty to add, too!