He’s trying his best!
He’s trying his best!
“Skinheads Against Racial Prejudice was founded in 1987 by Marcus, a skinhead from New York City. It emerged as a response by suburban adolescents to the bigotry of the growing White Power Movement in 1982. Traditional skinheads (Trads) formed as a way to show that the skinhead subculture was not based on racism and political extremism.”
Drop Dead Fred did it!
Who decided to put Cynthia the elephant in charge of peanuts!?
ok grandma, let’s get you to reddit
Obviously it’s a Tool concert. You’ll probably see some Korn in the fields over by the Fear Factory. Hopefully the audience doesn’t Rage Against the Machine or there’ll be Megadeth!
Hello my future girlfriend, this is what I sound like. I am 11 years old in the 6th grade in New Mexico. Please PM me if I’m on yahoo chat. Bye! Thanks for stopping by!!
How dare you
They are poisonous because of their diet. We had them around where I grew up but they were not native and, without their natural diet, they were not poisonous.
They’re extremely cute as froglets!