Be the ball
It’s not that kind of seasoning my dude
I don’t know where you got that idea, there’s definitely a mic on the bottom. The top mic hole is just for noise cancellation. Google even has an interactive diagram here
I haven’t bothered with gaming laptops in a while, but it seems like the work valve put into Proton is paying dividends. Steam deck is punching far above it’s weight class. Apparently a lot of games now are running better in Linux via proton than natively in Windows, which is kind of mind boggling. I don’t have to do any troubleshooting and everything runs great. I’d guess to get comparable performance on a laptop you’d have to spend 2-3x as much. Last time I used a gaming laptop it struggled on any ‘current’ games with lots of fuckery to get it running smooth.
But like I said, I’ve long been out of the gaming laptop scene because I just never found them worth the trouble. Steam deck is the opposite of that and I play it in favor of my PC more than I care to admit.
Streaming is universally dog shit. I tried streaming elden ring and it was unplayable because of the latency. Meanwhile running locally I’ve put in 30+ hours.
Steam deck runs everything that I’d want to play on it locally, way better than remote streaming. It’s punching way above it’s weight class. I’m almost done with elden ring on it and I’ll be moving to cyberpunk 2.0 if it’s as good as people are saying
After you get it set up pirating is basically zero time. There’s some up front time costs learning how to automate everything but after that? Yar har
If that were the case there wouldn’t be such a massive variance in the amount used. I’d love to see these studies though since so many seem to exist
The nitrogen is to keep them from going stale in oxygen. The amount of nitrogen across various chip manufacturers ranges from 19% gas all the way to 59%. That discrepancy range is where the psychology comes into play.
The gas is partially pack fill to keep them from getting crushed, obviously. My whole point was that it is significantly more gas than necessary for pack fill.
Fact is if you make the package look bigger, people think there’s more. There’s a reason we have laws about unnecessary slack fill. Nice try though, Dwight
Yes but it’s far more than necessary to protect the chips. Bag sizes are inflated for the psychology not the practicality
It’s a choice right up until you get fired or reprimanded for not meeting some arbitrary criteria
This right here. Automation is fantastic. Get rid of those shit jobs so more people’s quality of life can improve. Giving all that quality of life to a select few at the top is where the problem is.
I added the ‘for me’ to curb the pedants, but it seems you still found your way. Your experience doesn’t invalidate mine, sorry.
Forums died for a reason. Reddit took over that space for me because it was one place to see everything. Federation is a better version of that. Decentralized and connected is how the Internet should be
Yeah, don’t be loyal is exactly what this post is about imo. Switch to whoever is treating you better. Every company eventually gets so big they can bully from the top. As soon as they do that you just go to the scrappy competitor that’s actually providing higher value.
Nvidia used to have the better price to performance and compatibility so I was ‘team’ Nvidia for a long time and just didn’t consider AMD, even after they became more viable. Now I’ll consider switching to AMD. Open source especially gets my attention
Man I really didn’t want to think about this