Professional software engineer, musician, gamer, stoic, democratic socialist
Allusion to Animal Farm, which is relevant to the discussion about class warfare.
I don’t really like the “as intended” take because it fails Hanlon’s Razor. Even Karl Marx understood that Capitalism is doomed to a crisis and revolution cycle, not because that’s what anyone wants, but because it is a law of nature.
The same is true of first-past-the-post voting.
The resolve to tear it down is still plausible though. I don’t know whether it is possible to escape capitalism without a revolution. The alternative is a perfect storm of progressive legislation that seems unlikely to occur in my lifetime.
I’ll move my foot to its dedicated spot in your ass.
This makes me so nervous about how AI is going to influence children and adolescents of the coming generations. From iPad kids to AI teens. They’ll be at a huge risk of dissociation from reality.
Lol the yellow eye barely saves it.
Fair. I was mostly thinking about it from the perspective of what the writers had intended at the time.
I thought the Empire in Star Wars was supposed to be Third Reich Germany. They literally both have “stormtroopers.”
Anti-antifa does not subscribe to the law of the excluded middle, so double negation elimination does not apply.
We think we’re Ricks but we’re actually Jerrys.
Millenials and Gen Z are tight. It’s Gen Alpha that has Millenials… concerned. We are watching with bated breath.
I thought it was an apple fritter.
This savagery bestows upon me catharsis.
Abort the court!
Yup. It even extends to
I recently posted about an obvious bug in the Windows 10 DHCP client, showing with Wireshark captures that it is not resilient to hardware clock changes, i.e., you easily lose your IP address for hours.
Most of the responses either said, “you should not be dual booting Linux” or “there is no DHCP client that handles this case. You cannot expect Windows to handle it.”
So I replied with a link to a similar bug report for RHEL, which has been fixed.
It’s been a month since I posted this bug to the Windows Feedback Hub and there is no response. I doubt it will ever be fixed.
Why am I still seeing this community!?