I have peepee doodoo caca brains.


  • 1 Post
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: January 19th, 2024


  • taanegl@lemmy.worldtoMemes@lemmy.mlFascism is un-American
    10 days ago

    Woa, hey now. Too close. I think I’m going to have to back up a truckload of apologia. BEEP-BEEP-BEEP-BEEP - is it there? Is it up to the line? Good.

    Unloads why republics should be ethnically pure, but spun in a way that vaguely unsharps the truths jagged edge, while pining for a time gone by and fear mongering to whatever would be mob that could dawn balaclavas and facemasks to terrorize local neighborhoods with bigoted chants and flags in hand.

    I say no, fascist, back to hell with you - and stay there. That is your home, that is where you should stay, forever and ever and ever - and if for some reason they should be let back out, it’s up to the entirety of the human species to slap them straight back down to the depths that they came from.

    Give me liberty, or give me dead fascists - because the latter has a tendency to produce the former.

  • That’s pretty one sided though. It’s like saying the autocrats don’t burn an insane amount of fuel, thereby also exacerbating the issue. If they were all using solar panels, scaling down their fossil fuel industries and actually gave a damn about the environment, then we’d be in agreement.

    Oh there will be climate refugees, no doubt about it. But whitewashing the autocrats use of petroleum and using it to justify breaking a system meant to moderate something makes me think you’re the left wing equivalent of republicans.

    You do not game systems, you reform them, or even replace them… so pass laws that put embargos and sanctions on imported petroleum instead.

    Good luck with that.

  • What? There are plenty of communist Lemmy subs you can ask in. I just think you haven’t tried hard enough.

    To answer your question tho, no - because there would be no need. Communism does want mandatory participation, but if checked and balanced correctly everyone would work within their limits and not be relegated to a lower class of living - because that’s sort of the point of communism. You’d work within your means until there was time to retire without being limited in access to services and goods. Theoretically, under a functioning communist system, there would be no manufactured scarcity.

    Tbh I believe both communism and our current form of capitalism centralises power and ownership way too much. Social-capitalism, or even libertarian socialism, might be the ticket. It would undo at least 200 years of psy-ops and gamed laws designed to favour the rich and vesting power in them, which is the issue of centralised power that we’re facing today - in what some call “late-stage capitalism” - or what I call the breaking point of society under a predatory, exploitative and imperialistic form of capitalism that seems more like the privatisation of the aristocracy than the supposed liberalisation of economy. Transparency, accountability and consequences for people in power and wealth is what’s sorely needed.

    PS: New public management is a con-job disguised as decentralisation meant to encumber governments under the guise of checking and balancing them, being effectively a psy-op in of itself to make people hate public services and taxes. As per usual, goddamn liberals - and I include socially conservative liberals in that polifical grouping. Dems and pubs are the same, want the same institutions and promote US imperialism - not fiscal independence, no matter what justification and mental gymnastics they put in the form of spreadsheets.

    PPS: Also, additionally, commodification of the housing market was a mistake. It will always be stupid and harmful towards society.

  • taanegl@lemmy.worldtomemes@lemmy.worldHistory lives in the present
    1 year ago

    Africa can only be an unstable mess as long as we’re still fucking around. Ideal (though not particularly empathetic) solution is to GTFO, use magic to disappear all firearms and modern weaponry from existence, redistribute all wealth truly equally and go from there. The actual way this will play out is that we’ll see war, instability, destruction of natural resources and a lot of pain and suffering until everything stabilizes or until the land is no longer habitable, whichever comes first

    This is that typical defeatist schpiel, used by both “woke” white people in the west, as well as African self-defeatists. You’re not helping, and here’s why:

    Not only are you robbing African people of any agency, but you pretend like they can’t actually do anything about their situation, i.e the corruption and exploitation, by blaming some “super powerful foreign force” that itself must give up for Africans to be free.

    When in fact, the French presence is almost fully gone, the US military is there at the behest of local governments, and the ones making the most money is not solely multinationals, but the corrupt officials who invite and enable them. These officials are all black and brown, they are all ethnically African.

    That’s why you should support democratic movements and help to spread awareness of the goings on in Africa, or else you’re HELPING the corrupt by providing them a scapegoat. Here’s an example, without doxing myself:

    In my city, last year, there was a violent protest by certain Africans. People in my city were generally not even informed what the issue was, but gladly speculated. After a day or two it became apparent, that they were citizens in diaspora who were angry that a supposed “youth organization” from their country was given a venue to speak to politicians. This is because this “youth organization” was an astroturfed organization by an authoritarian regime who sought to get more western money.

    Now, we can fully pull out all that money, but those despots and oligarchs don’t give two fucks about the people they rule over, which would lead to even more famine. But then we’d also have more blood on our hands.

    It’s therefore important that we either A) talk directly about who, what and where, or B) defer to someone who knows what they are talking about.

    Judging by your glib, defeatist and condescending schpiel, I’m guessing you don’t know that you’re talking about.

    Please defer to people who actually know what they are talking about and throw away whatever old school, defeatist, glib talking points - because you’re not helping. In fact, you’re enabling the talking points of these despots, oligarchs and regimes.

    Please do better.

  • taanegl@lemmy.worldtomemes@lemmy.worldHistory lives in the present
    1 year ago

    Well, party because of colonization, slavery, and genocide (because cultural genocide counts as genocide), partly because of geo-political meddling, but also massive corruption, coups and an pan-African oligarchy that installed African protectionism 2.0 (or Afro-Reaganomics 1.0, take your pick), ensuring ordinary Africans can’t do any international business without the government holding their dick - as well as the foreign businesses dick. This in turn means only the big boys get to play, like multinationals, because lumps of money gets fed to end up in Cayman island bank accounts.

    To blame Europe today is stupid, because it not only serves to deter whatever support common Europeans (I.e not the elite) could give to Africans in diaspora, but it also enables corrupt African officials, who hold speeches about how they criticise the west, only for them to go to some backroom deal with eastern AND western multi-nationals, who really want to exploit Africans, and ofc they’ll be allowed - because of the affirmationed Cayman island bank accounts.

    Also, the “employment agencies” in Africa have 50/50 chance of being slave operations - because slavery never disappeared, it just got more “official”, and it’s also been common in Africa for thousands of years.

    But yeah, history is cherry picked for the sake of “owning” people in debates and discourse. Again; it only helps to take away the spotlight from African officials, but also: we can’t ever ignore what effect colonization, slavery and genocide has on not only nations, but geographical areas.

    This has been nuance. You may hate and downvote me now.

  • I think it was an attempt at a joke… basically that the user introduces a faulty juxtaposition that doesn’t make sense. One is a CSS framework specifically tailored to SPA’s (or heaven forbid MPA’s) by providing many generic classes that can be re-used, where as the other 3 are CSS pre-processors designed to simplify writing CSS, though technically speaking tailwind also does pre-processing, since it provides a boilerplate css reset, use of variables, functions, concatenation and compressing them together and oh god I’m the joke… I’m the joke here. I’ve served the punchline, which is a copypasta in of itself.

    Well done, @devilish666@lemmy.world. Well done.

  • Living in a building does not exclude this possibility, but you do get a lot of complaints from the home owners association.

    It’s all “that’s not a regulation window”, “stop scaring the kids”, “that home made horse head is creepy” and “don’t put horse-curses on passersby”.

    And I say neigh, Henry. A neigh on you and your children’s children, may they never be able to gallop.