Lol. I hadn’t seen the thing in a while, so here’s an extended YT clip for folks:
Lol. I hadn’t seen the thing in a while, so here’s an extended YT clip for folks:
Well, I misremembered half of it, but Homestar Runner was one of the many flash animations of the flash-craze heyday. Occasionally, they were puppets. From nearly 25 years ago:
It’s probably turtles all the way down, but I think “A[n] British animators’s email segment co-star mispronounces misspells 90s greeting” might be an even smaller domino.
Edited to replace failing memory.
And corncream-pilled
I think in this context bullying can be expanded to its summative affect at the level of the society. This accumlative persecution is cultural and does in turn lesd to internal beliefs that one’s perceived deviance, as pushed by the dominant social narrative, is unworthy. There are studies that demonstrate societal pressures/persecution does lead to increased rates of suicide. This is most notable within marginalized groups supporting the point made above.
Stateside, this is usually in reference to thornyhead rockfish species.