This seems suspect.
The woman in question is a tiktok ‘influencer’ who has the most amazing things hapoen to her - always wiithout evidence.
I think it’s just as likely that she’s lying to get views and subscribers,
This seems suspect.
The woman in question is a tiktok ‘influencer’ who has the most amazing things hapoen to her - always wiithout evidence.
I think it’s just as likely that she’s lying to get views and subscribers,
Lots of middle ground out there.
Marantz, NAD, Cambridge Audio, and others all can put together great semi-audiophole systems. If a shop tries to upsell you on cables etc., judt tell them ‘you’re already covered.’
Meanwhile, small speakers for under $500 have never sounded better.
Or you can step up a notch and by used. I’ve got Rotel and Rega gear, which is way over-value.
We all have genitals under our clothing, we just don’t think about it sometimes.
Speak for yourself!
(Also, nice summary)
The moral outrage needs to twist from what she does to what employers pay.
Seriously, this needs to be screamed from the rooftops. We need to stop kink shaming and slut shaming, and start shaming corporations and billionaires.
The first thing I install on a mobile device is “Hacker’s Keyboard” which adds cursor keys.
I have a handful of complaints about rap, abd I generally don’t enjoy it, but I no longer say it sucks outright.
Yesterday at work, I listened to Yes, SPELLLING, Black Sabbath, and the newest Martina Topley-Bird album. In the last few weeks I’ve bought albums by Brandi Carlisle and Talking Heads. The world is so full of great music.
Spellling (yes, spelled with three 'l’s) is good. Very good!
55 here, and I got to play lunar lander on my dad’s lab PDP-8 even before my grandparents got Pong.
Currently working my way through Fallout London.