its just a fry pan
its just a fry pan
Marx kinda based ngl
foreplay, as in forearm play
guys how do i transfer my account to another instance?
start at the top and work your way down
aw man i thought it said “Jake only content”
i feel like there doesn’t need to be that many cables right?
it would be way more work to swap frames
no big deal just the biggest tech innovation of all time
no fair my toes are crooked and i have toe nails that grow over eachother. i wish they were normal and marketable
Diane look at this snapchat filter Diane. I’m still depressed
don’t fuck with substations. you’ll kill yourself and cause a power outage. this doesn’t help us. it might also put lives in danger like those who are in hospitals.
orb memes are my new favorite
not to exclude any group but i really prefer the aesthetics of the 6 colour rainbow flag
shit take